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A. C. MERRYMAN Adverfblng Mana3cr

Subrcription Pricc, $2.1t0 pcr Yoar Singlo Copicr, 25 ccntr cach.

How Lumber Looks

Orders booked at the lumber mills during the week ended March 17, 1934, were less than during the two previous weeks but were still above the 2(X)r(X[r000 feet mark, compared with an average of the first ten weeks of 1934 of approximately 173'q)0r0q) feet, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from the regional associations covering the operations of leading hardwood and softwood mills. Reports made by lr32l Aneican mills showed production 2Ol,359rOOO feet, shipments l7tr547r000 feet and orders 200roTotooo feet' :F :r. ,r :r

New bueiness reported by 565 mills to the Vest Coast Lumberrnents Asstn for week ended March 17 was 8311181468 feet. Production was l@r343r738 f.eet and shipments 771190]75 feet. Current sales were under production by 17.2 pet cent and shipments were under the output by 27.1 per cent Orders booked during the week by this group of mills were under thc preceding week by about*l3,9a0i*O feet or 14 per cent.

The $Testern Pine Association for the week reported new business from 128 mills as 48r04rr000 feet, shipments 391090,000 feet, and production S4r4lgrggg 1""s. Orders were 39 per cent above production and,2, per cent above shipments. Ship.


T. B. Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a three weeks' trip to the Northwest where he attended a meeting of the Trade Practice Committee of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, and also visited the mills in the Coos Bay and Reedsport, Ore., and Aberdeen, Wash., districts.


Mason E. Kline, Los Angeles, manager of the Southern California operations of the Union Lumber Co., was a visitor to the company's San Francisco office around the middle of March.

Flies To New York

Chas. T. O'Connor, general sales manager, Shaw-Bertram Lumber Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., left San Francisco March 19 by plane for New York on a two weeks' busi- mentlf were 14 pet cent above production. Orde$ on hand at the end of the week at **f tP mills were 126,76O0OO feet.

Shaw-Bertiam Lumber Co. recently opened general sales offices at 74I Russ Building, San Francisco. Mr. O'Connor, who was formerly district sales manager for this company at Pittsburgh, was appointed general sales manager, in charge of the new omces.

395 hardwood mills for the week ended March 17 gave new busines 2716541000 feet, or 5 per cent above producdon, and shipyrents 25r4ltr0o0 feet, ot- 4 per cent beiow production. Production was 26,449rOO0_ fy.

The Califotnia Redwood Association fot the week reported production from 19 mills as 615551000 feet, shipments 5rO79rOOO feet and new business 6r105rfi)0 feet. Tfeek-end orders on hand were 36,218,q)O t";a. * * ,k

There has been a slight upturn in the Califotnia demand and the dealers report that business is a little better. The strit(e among the British Columbia loggers has resulted in some export business being changed to the Fir mills on thia side of the [ine. The national lumber production guota for the second quarter of 1934 is 3,650,00e000 feet for sbftwoods and 900rfi)0,000 feet fot hardwoods, which is approximately 10 per cent below the quota for the first quarter.

Lumbet stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor totaled 2r7l9,OOO feet or March 26. Cargo ariivals at Loc Angeles harbor for the week ended Marcfi 26 amounted to 10l28r0OO feet, which included 14 cargoes of Fir carrying 916651000 feet and 2 cargoes of Redwood with 563r0fi) ieet-. 57 vessels in the coestwise lumber service were operating on March 26i 42 vessels were laid up.


C. .R. Johnson, president of the Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, and representative of the Redwood Division on the Lumber Code Authority, has been in Washington for more than two months attending the various meetings of the Lumber Code Authority. Mr. Johnson left San Francisco for Washington Janaary N.


H. J. "Bill" Bailey, sales manager, Saginaw Timber Co., A$erdeen, Wash., producers of Saginaw Brand shingles, was a recent visitor at the offices of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, California agents for his firm's products.

Visits Sawmill

Carl R. Moore, Moore Mill & Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned to his office March 15 after spending a week at the company's mill in Bandon, Oregon. While in Oregon he also paid a visit to the Coos Bay district.

Last year, Wood Conversion Cornpany faced the lack of new construction-and rnet it with an effective program of s electit: e s ellin g. Tha t prograrn INCREASED sales of orrr produ cts$Afi'while the buildingindustry as a whole declined more than 7fr.

This year, the prograrn is eYen broader, more cornprehensive.

Here's what it does:

Accepted Materials, Incorporated

Loe Angeleg California

Van Arsdale-Hards Lumbet Company San Francisco, California

A. MacMillan Company Portland, Oregon

Lumber Supply & Warehouse Company, Seattle, Vashington

SDLECTS The Most Responsive Markets for YOU-picks out the money-rnaking jobs' right in your own townt in schools churches restauranta . hotels offices. hospitals apartrnents.. and homes.

Sf,LDOTS The Beet Prostrrects in Those Markets-point8 out the exact types of existing strrrctures that bring quiclrcst sales-creates a dernand for rnaterials in such structures.

SDLEOTS The Best Methods of Reaching Prospecta-tells you how to get the jobs and worka with you in getting them-backs up your efrort with full-page advertising and forceful direct rnail-carries on prornotion work that you could not profitably do alone.

SELECTS The Right Products for Those Prospocts'<pens up broader fields of use, both in old and new buildingsr for insulating, sound deadening, acouetical and interior decorating materials. The line is COMPLETE, and includes Nu-Wood Plank and Tilet with the famous bevel-Iap joints, and Balsarr-Wool Blanket Insulation. Many of the products are double and triple-purpose. Prices are drastically reduced-geared to 1934 incomes.

LOCATES Cornplete Stocke C.onveniently Near You-nrakes any or all iterns in the line available quickly-lifts frorn your shoulders the burden of heavy inventory. Selected and eontrolled distribution protecta your businese. Every item in this broad and complete line represerrta extra volume for you at a satisfactory profit. Not a single one is sold as a substitute for any other yard itern' on which you might make a better profit.

Dealers who want to sell theirway out are invited to write us NOW for complete infonrration about our 1934 Selective $elling Program.

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