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Easy and fnexpensive Through Government Credit Plan

A rool that is worn out and run down, ruins the architectural beauty and value of a house. No longer is there any need for postponing repairs or complete re-roofing. To apply new roofing of Certified Redwood Shingles is to transform the appearances and restore protection and lasting value to your home. Over-Roofing with Shingles of California Redwood is the applying of new shingles over the old. You save the messo confusion and cost of tearing down the old roof and you double the insulation; saving fuel bills and enjoying a cooler home in summer. Interior of the home is never exposed during the process of Over-Roofing. The new credit plan of tJre Federal Government enables property owners to arrange at once for Over-Roofing. Payment in easy monthly in' stallments is spread over three years and in special cases five years. Almost any bank or other approved lending agency can make the loan quickly. Table below shows amount of monthly installment, based on time desired for repayment up to 36 months, for sums from $100.00 to $2,000.00.

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