3 minute read

Ten Files of Years Aso The Colifornia Lumber Today Merchant, April From the 1 , 1925

J. C. Ferger of the Swastika Lumber Co., Fresno, was re-elected president of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club, at the annual meeting held Saturday, March 28, at the Hotel Californian, Fresno. Other officers reelected were: Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield, vice-president; Frank F. Minard, C. S. Pierce Lumber Co., Fresno, secretary, and Joe Martin, Fresno Lumber Co., treasurer.

working out the arrangements and details. The afiair will be held as a Lumbermen's Pirt{.

t Hu.ry Gaetjen and H. T. Didesch have returned from the Northwest where they attended the annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Millwork Association at Seattle. ***

George B. Maxwel,


his retirement from the wholesale lumber business to devote his entire time to his recently acquired retail tTO:t yard interests.

Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 of San Francisco announces its first annual golf tournament, dinner and entertainment to be held at the Claremont Country Club, Oakland, on April 6.

Herman L. Rosenberg, retiring snark of the Los Angeles district, presided at the First Annual Past Snarks' Day at the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo luncheon on March 26. ***

A;meeting of the Citrus Belt Hoo-Hoo Club was held at the Elks Club, San Bernardino, the night of March 20. President Roy L. Sandefur presided.


E. G. Linsley, professor of astronomy at Mills College, Oakland, was the speaker of the day at the monthly meetiiig of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club, held at the Hotel Oakland, on March 18. President Hugh W. Hogan presided.


Golfers representing the lumber and shipping departments of the Chas. R. McCormick San Francisco office had a tournament at the Lincoln Park Golf Club, Sunday, March 15. The shipping department golfers were the winners and later in the week were the guests of the lumber department golfers for luncheon at the Palace Hotel. **<*

The monthly meeting of the Central California Lumbermen's Club was heid at Wilson's, Stockton, Saturday, March 14. President W H. Falconbury presided at the meeting. Jack Dionrle, fublisher of The California Lumber Merchant, addressed the meeting.


The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen,s Club met at the Hotel Senator, Sacramento, on Saturday, March 21. B. J. Williams, Paraffine Companies, Inc., was the speaker of the day, his subject being, "Building a Business That Lasts.',


Announcements have been mailed to every man inter_ ested in the lumber business in Southern California of a monster Stag Party and Jinks to be held at the Ship Cafe, Veni'ce, on the night of May l. A committee of twenty is

Paul Shoup of the Southern Pacific Company addressed Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on March 12. His subject was "Too Many Laws." Kenneth Smith was chairm"r*ot*an"*meeting.

A. L. (Gus) Hoover, accompanied by Mrs. Hoover and their two children, returned to Los Angeles on March 26 following a month's trip to New York City via the Panama Canal. The return trip was made by rail.

E. D. Kingsley, president and general manager of the West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Ore., has been appointed vicegerent snark of the Portland Hoo-Hoo district.

A 3,47Ufoot seawall will be built along the San Diego bay front from Eighth to Columbia Streets at a cost of approximately 9250,000. The wall will make possible the reclamation of 80 acres of choicest tidelands. The city harbor'department has already closed leases for the land with several lumber firms. The seawall will become one of the distinguishing features of San Diego Bay. The lumber co'mpanies will build a 2o-f.oot apron wharf out from the sea.ivall making ideal landing facilities for lumber carg'oes'

The Union Planing Mill of Stockton has purchased a new location there and are erecting u*r"* modern planing mill.

Herbert J. Anderson attended the annual convention of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association at: Atlantic City on March 18 and 19. Mr. Anderson visited: New York City, Chicago and other eastern cities during the trip.

Ben Bemis was chairm; ; .;. day at the Los Angeles. Hoo-Hoo meeting on March 12. George J. Eberle, professor of commerce, University of Southern California, talked ontheHousingsituationinSouthernCalifornia.

The Fruit Growers Supply Co. at Susanville, Calif., has completed the installation of two band saws which will replace the ttvo pony bands formerly in use there. They have completed the construction of a nelv dry shed which will shed over six million feet of lumber, and have also increased the capacity of the loading dock by installing a new rail system. New equipment has also been installed in their stacker house.

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