2 minute read
The House ol Friendly Service
They Caught Him
The flight commander did not know that the group of pilots were "laying for him," and as he passed he heard them talking with great animation about "the last word in airplanes," and heard this phrase repeated with apparent great seriousness loudly several times. So he turned and walked back to the group.
"Well," he asked, "what is the last word in airplanes?"
And all together the grinning gang hollered-"JuMP !"
Lawyer: "And how do you know it was exactly that distance ?"
Witness: "Because I thought some me that question, so I measured it.r' jackass would ask
He Was Particular Too
Patron in Restaurant: "Say, waiter, call the manager. I can't eat this terrible stuff."
Waiter: "No use to call him, sir. He won't eat it, either."
All Humans Interesting
I have never known an uninteresting person, nor have I ever been bored by anyone. I have always learned something, and most of all from the so-called lower classes, even when I did no more than watch them. Whether I carry on my dumb dialogues with Bismarck or our gardener is all one to me, for I am concerned with the reactions,of the heart, which is moved by the same passions whether the shoots be grafted on quince-trees or nations.-Emil Ludwig.
Nearly 121000 Changes in New New Portland \(/holesale Firm Credit Rating Book
Of the 11.723 items relative to the lumber and woodrvorking industry rvhich were voluntarily reported to subscribers by the Lumbermen's Credit Association, Inc., during the past six months, 7,294 were changes in credit ratings, while 1,882 were new businesses, successions, and changes of names.
While definite figures are not available it is estimated by the Association that, of the 7,294 changes of credit ratings reported, at least 2O per cent were changes upward, indicating an improved condition over a year ago.
These changes of credit ratings, new businesses, successions, and other changes, were reported to subscribers of this special credit agency through TWICtr-A-WEEK Supplements to its credit rating book and all are reflected in their new edition which rvas placed in the hands of their subscribers on April 1.
The April Reference Book is the 107th edition of the Lumbermen's Credit Rating Book and the fourth edition published since the merging of the Lumbermen's Blue Book with the Lumbermen's Credit Ass'n in the Spring of 1933.
The Association has increased its staff of employees during the past year so that it now totals nearly one hundred persons in its offices at Chicago and New York City, who supervise the efforts of their correspondents located in every city, town and village shown in their credit rating book.
Eliminate Health Hazards
DgvpnAL compounds used in the preserwative treatment of lumber are t'hemselves poisonous to man and may present an additional hazard by the formation of toxic fumes.
Lumber pressure-treated with REILLY
Transparent Penetrating Creosote
presents no health hazard either to the workmen handling the lumber or to the occupant of the house. Lumber so treated can be used safely wherever wood is specified.
Write us for particulars
Campbell-Moore Lumber Company, a new wholesale lumber concern, recently entered the Portland field. Offices are in the Terminal Sales Building, and the company is affiliated with the Pendleton-Gilkey Company of Minneapolis.
Offi,cers of the company are H. S. Gilkey, president: Mark D. Campbell, vice president and general manager' and Frank G. Moore, secretary-treasurer.
The Pendleton-Gilkey Company is a pioneer otganization. It operates the Straits Lumber Company, .Nanaimo, B. C., the Mohawk Lumber Company, New Westminster, B. C., and has extensive timber holdings in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Mr. Campbell was for many years in charge of logging and sawmill operations of the Standard Box and Lumber Company, Banks, Ore., and was with the Chas' R. McCormick Lumber Company for the past 15 years, most of this period being spent as manager of the rail department at Portland.
Mr. Moore is well knorvn in the industry as vice president and general manager of the Washington Wood Preserving Company, Spokane, a Pendleton-Gilkey Company activity.
Visits Plywood Plant
Lloyd Harris, Elliott Bay Sales Co., Oakland, returned March 24from a visit to the plant of Elliott Bay Mill Company, Seattle, manufacturers of Big Timber plywood.