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How Lumber Looks
During the rveek ended N{arch ll, 1939, production rvas about 59 per cent, shipments about 6O per cent, and orders about 61 per cent of the corresponding week of l9D, according to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.
523 mills reporting for the rveek ended March 11 prodtrced 174,896,W feet of softwoods and hardwoods combined; shipped 191,600,000 feet, and booked orders of I87,347,W feet. Revised figures for the preceding week n'ere mills, 535 ; production I79,ll7,W feet; shipm€nts N7,796,000 feet; and orders 195,406,000 feet.
Lumber orders reported for the rveek ended March il by 438 softwood mills totaled 178,093,000 feet; shipments rvere 18]134,W feet; and production was 167,O2I,000 feet.
Reports from 100 hardwood mills for the week gave ne$' bttsiness as 9,254,NO feet; shipments 9,466,00O feet; and production 7,875,00O f.eet.* * *
A total of 143 down and operating mills in Washington and Oregon, reporting to theWest Coast Lumbermen's Association for the rveek ended March 11, produced 85,581,969 feet; shipped 86,327,485 feet; and nerv business was 87,739,251 feet. The unfilled order file at these mills stood at 310,249,418 feet.
The same number of mills, reporting for the week ended March 18, rproduced 89,913,258 feet; shipped95,,467,753 feet; and new business was 100,589,614 feet. The unfilled order file at the end of the week totaled 313,287,934 feet.
The Western Pine A.J..il,iJ", 121 mills reporting for the week ended March 18, gave production as 43,902,000 feet; shipments 56,338,000 feet; and ner,v business 56,90.2,0ffi feet. Orders on hand at the end of the rveek totaled 164.241,000 feet.
Orders showed an increase of 14.6 per cent over the precedir.rg week.
The California Redwood Association for the rveek ended March 11 reported production of 13 mills as 6,396,00O feet; shipments 6,908,000 feet; and new business 7,515,000 feet. Week-end orders totaled 34,7D,00O feet. Production was 3 per cent greater and new bttsiness 16 per cent greater than for the same u'eek t"r, t"lt.
The Southern Pine Association, 132 mills reporting for the week ended March 18, gave production as 32,330,000 feet; shipments 33,168,000 feet; and new business 33,332,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the rveek totaled 70.682.000 feet.
Central Valley Hoo-Hoo Elects Officers
A meeting of the Central Valley Hoo-Hoo Club was held at the Hotel Covell, Modesto, Tuesday evening, March 28. There were fifty in attendance and R. L. Ustick presided until the election of nerv officers rvhen the nerv president, Robert S. Fullero{theValley Lumber Company, Lodi, took charge.
The other officers elected were O. V. Wilson, Jr., Central Lumber Company, Stockton, vice-president, and D. G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Company, Stockton, secretary-treasurer. George Ground, Ground Lumber Company, Modesto, and J. S. Hardin, Merced Lumber Company, Turlock, were elected additional trustees.
The next meeting will be held at Stockton, April 18, and at that time there will be a presentation of the reorganization program of International Hoo-Ifoo.
In the illustration above, one tab has been cut away on each succeeding course to show how each course underlies the two courses above it. This triple coverage is complete except under the narrow slots. Because of the way these shingles have been cut away, the new self-spacing notchand-point are not shown in the illustration.
SPECIFIGATIOI{S .15"x36" .250 lbs. .........3 ........80 .. ....5n .5u