2 minute read
I Rate---$Z.5O Per Column Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Position Wanted
Lumberman with several years' experience as yard foreman wants position with wholesale or retail lumber firm. Thorough knowledge of building materials including builders hardware, paints, etc. Can furnish best of references and will go any place. Address Box C-747 Calif.ornia Lumber Merchant.
Situation Wanted
Salesman, estimator, yard superintendent, with 20 years' experience in retail and wholesale lumber desires position. Can handle details very efficiently. Prefer connection as manager or assistant to manager of larger yard. Age 40 years, married, and have a family. Can furnish good references. Address Box C-750, California Lumber Merchant.
Widely trained in manufacturing, wholesale and retail. Have had Los Angeles experience. Prefer position in sales division with Los Angeles firm. Married, age 34. Good references. Address Box C-752, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
New Lumber Requirements in Revised L. A. Buildins Code in Full Elfiect April 1
April 1, the new lumber requirements in the revised Los Angeles building code are to go into full effect, according to Clyde Makutchan, superintendent of buildings. The new standards call for the use of grade-marked lumber which has been advocated by the Lumber & Allied Products Institute of Los Angeles, leading architects and co.ntractors.
Mr. Makutchan issued the following statement:
"Effective August n, 1938, a revision of the Municipal Code for the first time provided complete and up-to-date provisions with regard tolumber. This code change, now in effect for more than six months, has been found highly workable and provides desirable uniformity with other codes used in this area, namely, the Uniform Building Code of Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference, Appendix A of the State Division of Architecture (with resrpect to schools) and Minimum Construction Standards of the Federal Housing Administration (with regard to dwellings).
"In order to permit the disposal of stocks on hand and to avoid financial loss on the part of retail lumber dealers in this area the Board of Building and Safety Commissioners granted an extension of time on certain grade and grademarking provisions. This time extension will expire March
Lady Wants Position
Expert lumber comptqrneter operator wants position with either wholesale or retail lumber concern. Best of references. Address box C-749 California Lumber Merchant.
Building Material Salesman
Wants connection as salesman for building materials or builder's specialty with manufacturer or jobber. Knows the retail lumber trade-have called on California and Arizona dealers for several years. At present employed. 32 years old, married. A-l references Go anywhere. Address Box C-751, care California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber salesman, experienced in selling both Redwood and Fir, at present employed, wants to make a change. Familiar with the trade in Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, San Francisco Bay districts and Peninsula. Phone AShberry 0976 or address Box C-753, California Lumber Merchant.
Wants To Buy
Scows, particulady large scows. Give price, age, condition and tonnage with registry number.
4O7 Bay Building Seattle, Wash.
31, hence the code amendment which became effective last August is now about to be enforced in full.
"Since current practice with respect to grades and grademarking will be changed, I think it advisable to review the following points. These will become effective April 1.
"1.-All lumber with the exception of boards will be required to be grade-marked.
"2.-The minimum grade acceptable for joists, rafters, stringers, beams, girders and similar members shall be No 1 dimension.
"3.-Minimum grade acceptable for studs, struts, posts, columns and similar rnembers shall be No. 2 dimension (except that columns having a cross section of over 16 square inches must be No. 1.)
r'{.-\e. 3 boards for subflooring, wall and roof sheathing are acceptable and need not be grade-marked.
"5.-Exceptions to Items 2 and 3 are permitted in small buildings where the total cost for any one building operation does not exceed S500."
Fha Moves Los Angeles Office
The Federal Housing Administration at Los Angeles opened for business on March 20 at its new location, on the ground floor, Main Street entrance, in the new Post Office and Court }fouse Building.