1 minute read

A Rural Retail Selling Campaign

Bv Jack Dionne

LEARN the building needs oI your selling territory. IJST them. Itemize them. Study them.

TAKE them seriously.

IOOK upon them as your chiel stock-in-trcrde.

KNOW thcrt your best crsset is the mcrn who NEEDS c building, but hqsn't considered or decided the mcrtter.

SEIJ. him the ideq, the plcn, the matericrls.

PICK outone oI these pcrssive prospects (crt lecrst one) every dcry, crnd try him.

DONT wonder whcrt ecrch dqy will bring lorth.

GI' every dcry its iob.

MAKE it deliver.

EQITIP yoursell to serve your trcrde in its every building need. ADVISE your trcrde in every legitimate wcry concerning yoursell cnd your business.

YOTIR stocks, service, equipment, chqrcrcter, dependcbility, honesty,expertness, crre things thcrt interest him.

CONSIDER no viewpoint but thqt of thepurchcaer.

YOttR own is not importcrnt.

SEII crnything lrom cr board to c church.

MAIE your trade think oI you when they think oI BUILDING.

SEE to it thcrt everyone YOU sell becomes cr wqlking crdvertisement lor your business.

ADOPT your town in a building wcy, crnd be prepcred to give cr proud crccount of your stewcrdship ct the end oI the yecr.

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