6 minute read

Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany

Lumber Company Makes Effective Use of Wood Panels in New Office

Sterling Lumber Company recently completed an addition to their office building at 32nd ancl Ettie Streets, Oakland. At the same time the whole structure was remodelecl and strearnlined to conform with the addition.

The entrance lobby is paneled in curly Redr,vood finishe<l in natural color, hand-rubbed with oil and varnish, giving a truly beautiful effect. The Redr,'i'ood was supplied by IJnion Lumber Company.

Tll'o new private ofifrces for Frank G. Duttle, president, and Fred L. Sayre, secretary-treasurer of the companv are an example of what can be accomplished by the use of beautiful hardwoods to make offices where execntives spencl a great part of their time more pleasant places to rvork in.

Both offices are identically finished in American Black Walnut panels. The panels are cleverly matched and are put on over f" USG Insulation Board. Quartered White Oak plank flooring is used for the floors and ceilings are of USG Acoustone. TheWalnut panels rvere sttpplied by WhiteBrothers. Doors and some of the trim rvere furnished by Lannom Bros. Manufacturing Co., Oakland.

The ,posting and bookkeeping room has walls of US(l low-density Insulation Board with Hardboard wainscoting.

The new part of the building also contains a recreation room and sun deck for the girls in the office. USG Insulation board and wax finished Hardboard s'ith Chromium trim are use<l on the recreation room lvalls.

Home Magazine Offers Pfize Contest

Washington, March 27,-Ofrering prizes to rvinners amounting to $15, HOME magazine for March features a floor plan design contest which should prove entertaining and interesting to all readers.

The contest is founded on the belief that everyone likes to express his own idea in room layout. A picture of a small cottage with a floor plan is shown on Page 3, and contestants are to draw in room arrangements that in their opinion are best suited to the house.Two Washington architects will select the two best plans and prizes of $10 and $5 will be awarded winners.

One of the most interesting stories to be found in the issue describes an "around-the-season" hobby-home greenhouses-and tells of the pleasure to be derived from having one, as well as the economic cost of operation.

A two-page article featuring new interior ideas in mellow wood which can be incorporated in your orvn home is also included. The story tells how wood interiors can be used advantageously to improve the appearance of the living l9om, dressing room, recreation room, bedroom and others.

A photograph of the small white cottage that has been erected at the San Francisco Fair, articles dealing with various types of roof construction, financial steps necessary in the buying of a home and movie reviews and home oddities make up the remainder of the magazine.


Better fitting anil better f.nished flush cupboard, d,oors at lower co.st.

l. Resin-seoled loces toke o smooth, perfect point or encmrel linish. No checking.

2. Solid edge stripe (23/a" wide) on eoch edge reduce tendency to worp, insure neqter finish, onci provide o sound reinforcement lor locks ond hinges.

3. Fir veneer core.

4. Edges cqn be eosily qnd smoothly iipped.

We have iugt igaued c new price list ol thege 0ush cupbocrd doors. Aak us Ior one il you hcve not received yours.

uE$TERlt ll00n & sAslt G0.

Sth cnd Cypress Sts., Ocklcnd

TEmplebar E400

C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation

This airplane view conveys some idea of the size and extent of our plant-with the largest capacity, namely, 47 M pet hour, of any car-and-cargo mill in Oregon. Cargo and rail shipments of Soft Old Growth Yellow Douglas Fir and Sitka Spruce. lfeekly sailings to California lJorts; packaged lumber stowed. even lengths and widths.



1,. E. Grirwold f,. B. McCullough

Newhcll Bldg.

28{l Cclitordc St

Pbone Gf,rfield 6258


R. T. Ghcen

C. P. Henry Pet Scc. Bldg.

714 W. Olyrnpic Blv&

Phonc PBorpcct ll85

New Salesmen Assigned to Territories Sash and Door \(/holesalers Play Golf

The Wholesale Sash and Door Association of Southern California held a golf tournament at the Brentlvood Country Club, Brentwood Heights, Wednesday a{ternoor-r, March 15. Fifty golfers participated in the tournament.

The cup played for by the Association meml>ers, the Earl Galbraith trophy, was rvon by Marshall Deats who had the lowest net score. Kenneth Lynch had the lorvest net score for the guests and rvas awarded the Bill Sampson trophy. Walter Metz had the low gross score of 77 a:nd rvas award' ed a box of golf balls.

The winners of the blincl bogey prizes \\'ere: F'irst prize, $5, Walter Gibbs ; second prize, $4, Leslie Hill; third prize, $3, Marshall Deats.

These young men-graduates of colleges during 1938have just completed an intensive nine months' training { ourse as student salesmen in the Building Materials Diision of the Armstrong Cork Company at Lancaster, Pa., and have been assigned toterritories. The new salesmen and the district offices from which they rvill rvork are: Top Row, left to right: Harold J. Row, Cincinnati; Frederick O. Schweizer, Nerv York City; Kendall C. Petersen, Los Angeles; Eugene P. Sanders, Kansas City. Lower row: G. William Getzofr, St.Louis ; William M. Taliaferro, Chicago ; E. H. Martin, Jr., Philadelphia; Max Banzhaf, Chicago.

The men will visit the trade in their respective territories representing such Armstrong products as Temlok insulating interior finishes; flooring and insulation products.

rooff navEBttEtl


L ZrVo to 5oy'o morc capacity due to solid edge-to-edge stacking.

2. Bcttcr quality drying on low tcmp.ratures with a fast rcvcrribb circulation.

3. Lower stacking costs--just solid edge-to-edge stacking in the simplest form.



Dinner rvas served in the club house at 7 :N p. m. "Pick" Maule rvas master of ceremonies and presented the prizes. Glenn Fogleman and "Pick" Maule tvere in charge of the arrangements.

Out-of-town guests u'ere Archie D. Walker' Nlinneapolis, president, The Red River Lumber Company; Guy H. Long, The Long Lumber Company, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; and H. J. Barrington, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Weed, Calif.

Back From Northwest

Geo. R. Kendrick, manager of the California Sales Division, Pope & Talbot Lumber Co., San Francisco, rvas back at his desk March 24 alter spending two rveeks in the northwest calling on the firm's mills and offices in that territory'

Use Moorekiln Paint Products for weatherproofing your &y kiln and mill roofs.

Kiln Buildccr for Mo,rc Thr! H.lf a Ccntury

North Portten4 Onc. Jacbonvillc, Flod&

When You Sell

Booth-Kelly Douglaa Fir, the Aseociation grade and trade mark certify to your customers thc quality of the stoclc you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they'rc buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.

General Saler Ofrce: Eugene, Ore. Mills: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Orc.

Hawk Huey Bags Two Javelinas

Har,r'k Huey, well knorvn Phoenix, Arizona, lumberman, sent himself out javelina (rvild hog) hunting a fe'iv weeks ago, and as the accompanying Picture shorvs, he brought home the bacon. Hawk says the javelina runs in rough country and is as hard to get as selling a car of lumber when there is absolutely no business.

Williarn Sarvtelle, Arizona game rvarden, extended the javelina hunting season fi{teen days to and including March 23. The season l1'as opened February 22, and hwting was permittecl in Maricopa, Pinal, Gila and Pima connties.

Har,l,k maintainecl his reputation as an expert markstlan rvhen he bagged trvo javelinas.

310 New Retail Yards Started UP in Past Six Months

Increased home building has not only brought about a substantial increase in the volume of lumber moved through retail yards for building purposes, but also in the number of retail outlets, according to data just released by the statistical department of the Lttmbermen's Credit Assn', Inc" Chicago and Nerv York City.

During the six rnouths 1>eriocl betu'een publication of their Fall 1938, and Spring 1939 Credit Rating Book, just recently distributed to subscribers, they reported 310 new retail yarcls having started up. These rvere reported through the medium of Twice-a-Week Supplements to their book, knon'n as the Lumbermen's Credit Rating Book. During the same period they report ed 216 changes of orvuership of retail yards, n'hich presents a total of 526 potential nelv cttstomers for the mills and wholesalers of lumber antl other builcling materials.

Also, during the same period, 271 retail lttmber varcls were reported by the Association as having cliscontinue<l business. Changes of credit ratings of retail lumber clealers, totalling22O3, were reported by the Associatior.r, inclucling both favorable and unfavorable changes.

The figures quoted above relate only to the retail dealer trade. They in no way relate to the thousands of lvood buying factories, such as fttrnitttre factories. sash ancl door factories, and others that are regttlar buyers of lumber used in the manufacture of products made rvholly or in part from lumber, and rvhich are listed in this Credit Rating Book.

While no actual count has been made of the net increase in the number of names listed in their book, they state that it contains several more Pages.

They report a pleasing increase in the number of users of their service during the'past six months, shor'ving recognition of their continued impro'r'ement of service'


Exclusively Tfholesale

Sas h-D o ors- Scr eensGlas s

PanelsWallb o ar dCo lumns

Cornplete stock now on hand of Armstrong's Temlok De Luxe

Bo ards-Planlr-Panels-Hardboards

The California Door ComPanY




Two Wholescrle Yard Stocks

Fcrst Truck Locds tath & Shingles

Fir & Pine


"The Friendly Yards ol Personal Setvice"

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