2 minute read


(Continued from Page 6) answered, "Nephew." That, of course, is the trouble \ dth the movies. More money for brains and less for relatives would help a lot.

Nothing like realitier*.o ,1. yol, tnirrt ing straightened out. I started the other day for a three day motor trip. Half an hour after I started I saw one of the most awful auto smashups I ever came upon. That sure slowed me down, and made me cautious for days. There were four cars entirely demolished in that wreck. Three days later, half an hour before my trip ended, I came upon another that was nearly as bad, with five cars badly tangled. Seeing those sort of things sure cuts down your speed.

I own a few dollars worth of stock in a certain public utility company. An hour ago I was reading the statement of this concern for 1938. Two statements tremendously impressed me, both with regard to taxation. Statement Number One: the tax bill of that corporation in 1938 was 59 per cent higher than in 1937. Statement Number Two: the tax bill of the corporation for the year was between 25 and 26 per cent of the entire operating cost of the business. There's something to think about in those statements.

The late Joseph Pulitzer gave some great advice to newspaper reporters. One of his statements is a classic: "Put it to them briefly so they will read it; clearly, so they will understand it; forcibly, so they will appreciate it; picturesquely so they will remember it; and above all, accurately, so they will be guided by its light."

Spring is opening throughout the land. This means a lot to the flowers, the grasses, the trees, and the birds. But it means more to the building industry, and the building material business. For during the closed winter months in a large parto{ this land of ours, there is little or no building. The weather does not permit. It is when the spring opens and humans take inventory of their physical conditions and their physical surroundings, that the urge comes to build, to repair, to remodel, to paint, to improve, to get buildings and building things ready for the spring and summer. It is then that the real building volume of the year makes its appearance. Right now the lumber and other building material industries throughout the nation, are watching and expectantly waiting, to see what the spring shall bring forth. There are fine prospects for a good year. But the spring will tell the story.

Items o[ Interest

Al Clearman has joined the sales staff of the Long-Bell Lumber Company at Los Angeles as outside salesman for their factory products. For the past eight years, he has been at the company's mill at Longvierv, Wash.

J. A. Werle, assistant sales manager of Silver Falls Timber Co.. Silverton. Ore.. u'as in San Francisco on a business trip early last week.

Frank H. White, sales manager of Hammond Redwoocl Company, San Francisco, recently spent a rveek in Southern California on business for his firm.

Treaied Lumber


Excbcage serice-deqter's utreqled luEber lor our Cbroncted Zinc Cbloride eiock plus cbcrge lor treatiDg.

Tractiag deqler's om lumber-mill sbip- monis to our doek or trucl lolg lrom dcaler'r ycrd.

Guy Smith, Rockport Reclwood Co., has returned to Los Angeles following an extended trip in the Northu'est and East in the interest of Ralph I\I. Rounds, president of the company, r'r'ho also has tirnber and manufacturing operations in British Columbia.

H. J. Barrington, West Coast sales lranager, sash and door division, Long-Bell Lumber Company, Weed, Calif., was a Los Angeles visitor last month and with Hervey Bowles, manager of the Los Angeles office, they spent several days calling on the trade.

Lee H. Eubank, of L. H. Eubank & Son, Ingleu'ood, manufacturers of ironing boards and cabinets, is on a visit to the firm's Texas branch at Hottston.

Redwood is Specified,

Now NOYO gives you Double-AssuranceGRADE-MARK' ING. $(hen your order is for"Dty'' uPPers or siding, you receive exactly that. And you know itbecause NOYO'S stamp, "Certified Dryr" is on each piecebecause NOYO'S reputation is based on seeing that you get what you want when you want it.

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