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for 20 years---Some less Ag" A Double Feature
The story is going the rounds abo,ut the fellow who took living so seriously that heled a double-life; bought a double-breasted suit of clothes with double pants; had a double-barreled shotgun wedding; drank double whiskies and saw double; chewed double'mint gum; was double- faced; slept on double pillows; always went to see double feature pictures; had a double personality; double-crossed his wife and all his friends; caused double trouble; doubled up when he ate green apples; developed double pneumonia and died; and his wife got double indemnity.
Inwood Sales Increasing
A steady growth in the number of lumber dealers handling Inwood is reported by William Griffith of Inwood Products Co., 1539 Folsom Street, San Francisco, and 6626 McKinley Avenue, Los Angeles. He stresses the fact that Inwood is not a paint, varnish or lacquer, but is an enduring, penetrating finish for wood and composite materials, and that it enhances the beauty of the natural wood, seals and waterproofs with just one coat, giving a smooth, nonslip wax-like finish.
Buyyard At Hemet
William Wade and Oscar Corning have purchased the Meier Lumber yard at Hemet, one of the oldest business firms in the Hemet-San Jacinto Valley, from Herman Meier, son of the late Martin Meier, who founded the business. The new firm'rvill be known as the Valley Building Supply Co.
Mr. Wade was formerly with the Dill Lumber Company in Hemet, and Mr. Corning has been general manager of the Peerless Concrete Pipe Co. at San Jacinto.
Amcziagly becutilul efleqts cre ecsily cad ioexpeuively ccconplisbed by the use oI Nu-Art Mouldiag. Trim, BiDdings, Edgiags cnd Nosings ia Alqcronethe new white mEtcl. Kitchea sialg, bcth roona, walls, counters, tcbles, desl6 cad Ooor coveriags cre c lew ol lhe plccea lor which deqlcrs ccn prolitcbly :ell Nu-Art.
MccHcnburg - Duacm Conpcny's line ol moden, inproved shcpee cad desigm cad quick senice ccn help you build ca increcsiagly prolitcble business oa nouldiags cnd trin. On your request we will be glcd to send you conplete cciclog od detoils regcrding the trend towcrd use ol netcl irin,
MOULDING & TRIM BilDltG$, EDelllGs, toslilEs
Morc than 3Oo modern, improved shapes ttrit mcet evcry requirement' Thc large ini- gioting d.erTa.nd for-.white metal trim can -be turhed into profits with Nu-Art. Home modernization demands metal trlm' mcd kitchcn sinks, walls' bath rooms' ctc.
-FREE_ writc tor details and complete catalog of this profit- making line. r^/c also furniitr satis-making auggestions that wlll make you moncy. Dept. }|
John \(. Fisher Heads State Association
John W. Fisher, Fisher-Srvartz Lurnber Company, Santa Monica, was elected president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at the annual membership rneeting held at the Hotel Padre, Bakersfield, Saturday, March 18. He succeeds J. O. Handley, I\{. J. Murphy, Inc., Carmel.
A. ll. Fickling, Fickling Lumber Company, Long Beach, r,vas elected treasurer, succeeding Warren S. Tillson, Modesto Lumber Company, Modesto. The vice-presidents. E. C. Parker, Patten-Blinn Lumber Company, Los Angeles, and J. O' Handley, were held over for another year.
The following attended the meeting: M. G. Coe, Cornpton; C. J. Hanson, Santa l\{onica; Gler-r }4' Miner, San Diego; E. L.Schedin, San Bernardino; R. I). Ebright, Long Beach; Ira S. Kennedy, Riverside; G. E. Cavin, Oceansicle; J. U. Gartin, Modesto ; Z.T.Thorning,Redwood City ; J. B. McKeon, Redrvood City; E. C. Parker, I-os Angeles; Paul Hallingby, Los Angeles; A. E. Fickling, Long Beach; H. E.
Whittemore, San Diego; John W. Fisher, Santa Monica; Geo. N. Swartz, Long Beach; C. C. Knight, San Fernando; A. R. Martin, Sonora; F. Dean Prescott, Fresno; Fred A. Chapin, San Bernardino; George Lounsberry, Los Angeles; Walter E. Peterson, Bakersfield; A. C. Hansen, San Jose; E. H. Galpin, Sau Bernardino; G. V. Curran, Pomona; M. Ii. Joslin, Inglewood; Herman Loehr, Riverside; Frank N. Gibbs, Anaheim ; George K. Adams, Walnut Grove; Frecl A. Witmer, Monterey; J. O. Handley, Carmel; Harry Peflery, $2614pento; B. B. Barber, Fresno.
Gets Publicity in National Magazine
Al Nolan, Western sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Com,panv, San Francisco, receir.ed some national and international publicity for himself, his company and the idea of roof insulation n,hen his letter to life pointing out that the expenditure of an extra $50 on insulating the roof of Life's l.rouse in suburban Pittsburgh would be an excellent investment.
N[r. Nolar-r's sharp eye noted that in the picture shorvn of this house in February 6 issue there r'vas an entire absence of snorv on the roof of this house as compared lvith the roof of the garage. His letter was printed in the February 27 isste of Life 'ivith the editor's comment that Mr. Nolan could rest assure<l tl.rat rvher.r the Pittsburgh Life llouse is completed snow rvill not melt on its roof tl-rrough lack of insulation, and that the house was opened before insulation was completely installed.
No doubt Al hopes that they rvill use Palcq Wool for the roof insulation.