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STUCCO TJOBS built like this build business for the contractor
People like stuccots beauty, its variedtextures and adaptability to any style of horne. Theytll choose stucco -rnore and rnore often-if stucco jobs around thern are the right kind, weatherproof and requiring little or no upkeep.
These sirnple steps insure a quality job:
See that the structure is rigid and well-frarned insiston a good base . . . protect horizontal surfaees with projecting trirn-place non-corrosive flashing over door and window heads, under sills and copings, and at other points of possible rnoisture entrance position reinforcernent properly so that it will be cornpletely ernbedded in the mortar.
Use only stucco made withportland cernent ot rnater' proofed. portland' cernen'tt and rnixedo applied and cured according to approved rnethods, for all coats.
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