2 minute read
JackDionn e,prblislw
Imupontcd undcr thr hn of Callfmla
J. C. Dlroe, Prcs. sd Trcu.; J. E. Mud!, Vle-Prcr.; r|. C. Marrym, Jr., Scy. Publtrhcd tlc let ud lSth of ach nott at 316-le-zl CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELES, CAL, TELEPHONE, VAndlke rs6s Entcred as Sccqrd-clag mtter Septcmbcr E, 1922, at the Pctolfio at hs Angclec, Ce||fmfr, udcr Act of Much I ffrr.
Subrcription Pricc' SZID pcr Ycrt Single Copier, 25 ccntr ccL.
How Lumber Looks
The fir market has rhown very little change during the part two weeks and ttere hac been a large volurne of lrmrber moving. Eighty-six cargoes arrived at San Pedro during the month of March carry'mg a totd of 127'O5O feet of lum' ber. The total for the sasre month in 1926 war 139'31O M feeL For the rnonth of April, up to and including April 13, the cargo arivals totaled 70'(Xn M ft.
The cargo receiptr in Southern California continue high but rtocftr are readily absorbed. There ie lers tben -ten million feet of unsold lrmrber at San Pedro' which is considered about norrnal.
Cargo shipments of fir into the port of San Francirco for the month of March totaled 51,392 M feet. Thir show€d a falling off of 11463 M feet as cornpared to the preceding monttr.
The 6r mills are arking higher pricer but pricee in the Califomia market have not advanced. In speaking of the curtailment prograrn now urder way in the Northwcrt in which many of the millr are participating, many wholeealenr state that future pricee will depend on the extent to which this program ir canied out. If the millr go througb with theh program, they look lsv higher prices in this market within the next fifteen to ttirty days.
The redwood market ir very active and pricer are firrn Commons were recently advanced $1.0O. There still con-
Sen Francirco Oficc ll2 MukGt Stret
?lt Suta Marlna Bldg.
Telcphoe Dawrpdt &77t
Southcrn Oficc
2nd Natioul But Blds. Horton, Tmr
Northwcrtcta Oftcc l20l Northsretcm Bk. BHt. Pcttan4 Orcgo fdvcrtiring Ratar on Applicrtion tinues a big demrnd for commonc with the eupply vcry scarce. Upperr are rtronger, and many itemc like Novelty Siding of which t[e mills hed large rtockc on hand rirty dayr ago are now practically sold out" Atl markets, Gaport, eastern, and eepecially South and Central Arnerica, are bqring more hrrnber. Up to the week €nding April 2, tte mills have sold 3Q0OO M feet more than they have cut, for 1927. tI I I I I I I I I I I I tlI llllllll I NEW SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE
With Californie White and Sugar Pine, tte volurne of sales is good with an improvenrent in commona. To date, there ir about 5O per cent curtailm€nt in production, due to many of tte mills not being able to reeume operationr on accorurt of weaths conditions. Many of the mills urhich ordinarily nm ttf,o chifts are now only running one ehif$ and from prerent indications it looks as though t[ere will be a 3O to 4O per cent curtailrnent in production during lgZZ.
I ffre C,alifornia Lumber Merchant is now located I I i" Ug,.t new o'mce at 718 Santa Marina g"ttdtig, t ll2 Market Street, San Francisco. I