2 minute read
American Forest Week
Proclaimed by President Coolidge, April 24 to 30, American Forest Week is the annual call for all citizens to take part in bringing about better forest conditions.
In the last twenty years the value of California's lumber and timber products has increased from fi18,275,891 a year to $72,8L5,489. In 1925,2,042,991,W board feet of lumber was cut in California.
California has the most extensive private reforestation in America. Lumber companies reprisenting the Redwood industry are now committed to sustained forest manage- ment, and forest planting in the redwood region is pro-
A new entry into the hardwood field in Southern California, is the Mitchell-Whiteside Lumber Co., who recently opened an office at 324 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles.
The members of this new concern are well known to the hardwood trade of the Pacific Coast. Mr. W. G. Mitchell was form.erly district manager for Nickey Brothers, Inc. Mr. H. H. Whiteside was also connected with the same concern and acted as their Pacific Coast representative.
They will carry on a general wholesale busihess in hard. wood lumber, flooring, veneers and plywoods. Mr. Mitchell is now on a trip through the South where he is visiting the hardwood mills and calling on the hardwood trade. Mr. Whiteside is looking after the company's interests at their Los Angeles office.
ceeding on an extensive scale. In the pine region of California many of the lumber concerns are carrying on reforestation work, and are also practicing forest management methods that will assure a perpetual supply of timber.
Reforestation has been encouraged by the state's adop- tion last year of a constitutional amendment permitting scientific taxation of the forests.
Many times greater than the value of all the gold produced in California since the days of.'49, the value of timber products of the state has reached huge proportions and it is fitting that California should play an important part in the observance of American Forest Week.
Madera, California. March n. D27.
The Califbrnia Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Building, Los Angeles, Calif.
Just how do you think I am going to start Retail Lumber Yard at this point without the a modern aid of the California Lumber Merchant.
I have missed the last two issues. so kindly send them along and also enter another subscription to be mailed here and on receipt of invoice I will gladly mail you a check.
Yours very truly, The Little River Redwood Co. By
J. M. Chase, Mgr.
Everything In Hardwoods
Our battery of modern l.il'rr, operated under the direction of an expcriened kiln engine€r, aasures our trade of acomplete stock of correctly scasonethandrroo& to rn€ct the clirnatic conditionr of Southern California.
Occasionally you want a special lumber bill for quick shipment and don't know where to turn for a dependable supply. We are in position to furnish anything in Douglas Fir, rail shipment, special, mixedr or difficult orders, and we can gwe prompt and definite service, Doing special things is our specialty. T"y us and see!