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Fresno Hoo Hoos and San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club Give Snark Hood a Royal Welcome at a Joint Meeting!
W. P. Johnson, Vicegerent Snark of the Fresno HooHoos; F. Dean Prescott, President of tfre San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club; J. C. Ferger, Manager of the Swastika Lumber Company; Mrs. B. A. Oannon ahd Mrs. W. F. Baird were on hand, March 23 to meet Snark Hood and his wife as the Big Cat (train) came purring into the city.
The men of the reception committee took the Snark for a drive through the city. The ladies were not to be outdone. Mrs. B. A. Cahnon, wife of the General Manager of the Sugar Pine Lumber Co. and Mrs. W. F. Baird, wife of the Sales Manager, took Mrs. Hood for a drive through some of the wonderful sites of Fresno and adjacent community.
A banquet was held at the Hotel Californian in the evening. F. Dean Prescott acte.d as toastmaster. The main speaker of the evening was Snark Hood who delivered a splendid address. A jazz band was engaged by the Cats and it was the "Cat's Meow" together with other appropriate entertainment.
fn another room, the ladies held a banquet in the honor of
$5,ooo,ooo PAPER MILL
J. H. Bloedel, president, Bloedel-Donovan Mills, Bellingham, Wash., announced recently that his company plans to build a $5,000,000 pulp and paper mill to run in connection with the company's sawmills, using waste from the mills as part of the raw material. If plans mature the plant will be ready to start operations in about a year. It is expected to give employment to about 600 men.
Mrs. Hood. During the evening a wonderful box of bandied fruits produced in the San Joaquin Valley, was presbnted to Mrs. Hood.
Those present on this enjoyable occasion were: Mesdames A. A. Hood, B.A. Cannon, W. F. Baiid, W. M, Kendrick, Frank Minatd, Ben Maisler, F. D. Prescott, A. Befnhauer. Messrs W. G. Johnston, M.E. Carter, C. W. Bingham, J. D. Craig, Julian M. Hudson, William M. Wilson, N. V. Heartomi F. B. Bier, J. C. Ferger, W. A. Lynch, H. E. Verble, Wm. Cravins, C. J. Bush, Aaron Maisler, W. B. March, W. W. Boyd, D. C. Desmond, J. C. Snead, Frank F. Minard, Jim Chase, P. J. Felles, P. J. Pedersen, T. M. Grey, E. L. Esch, Neli Neslund, Bl S. Armour, Len Jacobsen, H. J. Tolladay, L.L. 'Walker, W. K. Kendrick, Morris Pool, Tom Ware, Milton Wistrom, Rueben Johnson, M. D. Johnson, A. W. Bernhauer, F. Dean Prescott, Art Hood, Dean Cook, W. F. Baird, W. P. Johnson, Ben Maisler, M. S. Johnstone, Earl Weimer, Nels Hansen, C. B. Reading, G. B. Mathews, A. T. Mathews, Henry O. Smith, Geo. Kennedy, F. R. Ferguson, J. A. Clothier, C. J. Sommers, Jr., R. O. Wilson.
Floyd Dernier On Northern Trip
Floyd Dernier, Lumbermen's Service Association, Los Angeies, is on his annual spring trip through the northern part of the state where he is calling on the retail lumber lrade. His trip will include the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys, San Francisco Bay, Sonoma and Marin Counties and the Coast Territory. He expects to be away about three weeks, returning to Los Angeles shortly after the middle of the month.