1 minute read
Pnofitab[e ABusi.ness
-for youx customers dnd for you
TDROM East to'West across the country a new. l[ and money-making business is springing up-Touriss Cabin Camps. In your community there may be room for not only one but a number of men to get in on the ground floor.
For the benefit of these men and you,The Long-Bell Lumber Company has prepared a booklet, "Tourist Cabin Camps." showine numerous camps and cabins. Isomitric plans ind material lists can be obtained from us Tor the various types of cabins. The proprieror of an outing camp in the Ozarks writei as-follows regarding this bo6klet:
"The booklet is well written, the illustrations are superb and, as a guide to prospective builders of outing camps, could not be excelled. Containing so many ueeful suggestions with the illustra, tions, makes it unnecessary for anyone to visit a good resott in order to acquire information as to how to proceed."
This is the time of year to build these camps. Get some men in vour communitv started. Pass out these booklets.'A free sample copy will be sent you on request. send for it at once.