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Annual Meeting Program National-American Wholesale Lumber Association
Ambassador Hotel, Atlantic City-April 20 and 2l
"Credits and Analyzing a Financial Statement," will be discussed by J. H. Tregoe, Executive Manager, National Association of Credit Men, a foremost national credit ex- pert. This, with some features of the Association's Credit Department, will be one of the timely convention topics.
"Keeping Up With the Lumber Parade,"what does it mean, and what must the wholesaler do to meet changing conditions-can we meet direct mill competition, etc? A discussion led by Mr. Dwight Hinckley, Cincinnati.
"Ifow Will We Meet the Centralized or Agency Buying Plan?"-on the minds of manv wholesalers. Mr. W. H. Schuette, Pittsburgh, will talk-about this and we will get the viewpoint of some manufacturers and retailers including J. F. Downey, Secretary Lumber Credit & Research Bureau. Boston.
"Are Mill Representatives Trying to Work Into Our Trade?" will be answered bv Charles T. Harris. Winton Lumber Company; C. C. Fydell, Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company; N. H. Morgan, Shevlin-Hixon Company, and Harry O. Geary, Sugar Pine Lumber Company. They will tell us "why they are here" to cooperate with the wholesaler.
"The Wholesaler in the Trade Extension Movement" will be covered by Horace F. Taylor, Chairman of the Wholesalers Trade Extension, and Wilson Compton, Secretary of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. A complete report to date and plans for further participation, will be announced.
"What Does It Cost to Conduct a Wholesale Lumber Business ?" will be answered by the special report from Mr. George M. Stevetrs and his committee. Nearly 100 wholesalers have frankly reported their cost percentages in 28
Harry B. Bruce, former manager of the Antelope Valley Lumber Company of Lancaster, has secured the old Carter site and opened a yard there specializing in low priced lumber suitable for chicken houses and other ranch building purposes of the rougher sort. Mr. Bruce has followed the lumber business for many years and feels there is a need for such service as he is now offering the trade. Another feature of his policy is to be curtailment of operating expenses on the "Cash and Carry" plan, the benefit of which he pledges to his customers.
items. This has been divided into regions and according to woods handled; it is the result of three years' study and you will want to know how your costs lind up with oihers.
"Report on the Arbitration Referendum"-whether the by-laws should be amended to require members to arbitrate only with members of associations which provide for reciprocal compulsory arbitration, will be submitted by the Arbitration Committee, J. B. Montgomery, Chairman.
Mr. Edward Hamilton of the New Tersey Lumbermen's Association, originator of the "Build a tt.ime First Campaign," will tell us about it.
"Wood Utilization and the Wholesaler,"-gfie1f Lengths, etc., will be discussed by Axel Oxholm, Director of the national committee.
"Must the Wholesaler be a Volume Man?" will be discussed among other things in a talk by B. C. Currie, President, National Hardwood Lumber Association. Mr. Frank A. Niles, of Robert R. Sizer & Company and others will bring out viewpoints on this subject.
"Distribution Problems in Other Commodities." Sometimes there are those who think the lumber industrv has a monopoly on distribution problems, but business leaders in many other commodities are studying distribution as never before. Mr. M. G. Truman, Marsh & Truman Lumber Company, Chicago, will talk to us on this subject.
"The Relation of 'P. L. I. B.' Inspection to Intercoastal Business." F. W. Alexander, Secretary-Manager Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau, is coming from Seattle to discuss this topic.
"Shortage Insurance in Water Shipments," will be discussed by L. B. Anderson, President, Intercoastal Association.
Athens Yard Changes Hands
Mr. H. W. Melrose has sold his Athens lumber yard to Mr. Roy R. Bittinger, who until about a y€ar ago was one of the owners of the Gardena Lumber Company.
The Barr Lumber Company, which recently purchased property. at Third St. and Canyon Road, Laguna, is now grading the property in preparation for the installation of a branch yard at that point.