1 minute read
C alifornia Redwood
. , , d good product uith prof.t and turnover
We know that California Redwood sells. L26 dealers wrote us in the last 3o days saying that the prospects we sent them were buying'-increasing their business.
It could hardlv be otherwise. You may know thatRedwood is most d#able, fue resistant, strong, light, beautiful, and inexpensive; that it takes paint well, doesn't split or check, works easily without waste.
Butuntilrecently tbe publicdidn'tknow. \.}[e started telling them, in 29 magazines with r ckcubtion totaling over 2,707 ,,OO0. Inquiries started to pour inimmediately at the rate of 2000 a month. \il(/e referred the live prospects to dealers, and sent dealers those names in their neighborhood. It worked. It is working today.
lueyou benefitting?
\ile have for you a series of Home, Cottage, and Cabin Plans, a comprehensiveAgricultural Service,2 -colorletter inserts, good-looking Yard, Job, and Contractor Signs, and several intereqting booklets on Redwood and other woods.
We suggest you send for your complimentary copy of the Redwood Sales Manual. It is full of facts on dozens of commonwoodsincluding Redwood. You need it for reference.