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A Finer fyp. of Sofi:wood Flooring
'$7'eyerhaeuser Pacific Coast Hemlock Flooring-a New Leader and Sure Repeater for You
lust as soon as you are ready lor something nerr andbetter to show your contractor friends and home-building prospects, put ina trial shilment ofWeyerhaeuser Pacifi c Coast Hemlock Flooring Ffardwood appearance at a softwood price. A striking success w-herever it hae been displayed. A quick seller. A sure repeater.
Two months after putting it in, one Pennaylvania dealer reordered four times. Another reordered seven timee. One NewYork State deder placed six ordere in two monthei another uine orders.
Paciffc Coast Hemloclc Flocing ie just the thing lor speculative builderg. Flome builden who want an inexpensive flooring upetairs are on the lookout for iust such material as thig. Conuactors like it lor remodeling iobo.
'Weyerhaeuser Paciffc Coast Henlock Floot ing is made lrom carelully selected sttips, on the same type oI machines as the most expensive grades of hardwood flooring The surlae ie ready for the woodfinisher.
Paciffc Coast Henlock makes ideal flooring No other soltwood so closely resembles hardwood in texture, in color, in grain efrecq in finishing poesibilities and in natural wear resistance"
Vl/eyerhaeuser improved methods of seaeoning render it immune to any tendency to warp. It stays straight and works readily without splintering.
This flooring is a fast selling specialty put out to help you increase your sales and profits
WcyaLarer Pecific Coa* Holocl Floorins |r 13,/16' tbicl r 2%' Ircc. It corea both uith end matching end rplthat cnd utchiag. Both typer arc milled with thc hollow brcL The highat grade of this lloring ir lnom er "B aqd Bcttcr Edge Grain. " For lew exactiD3 ur or wherc a rtill lowcr pricrd llmring ir wanted it is ebo udc in thc grada of "C Mired Gnia."
Theflooring comea la ncat rcue budlc. acL oac beadng an attnctivc label ia color which rhowc thc leme, thc flf cyerheara Brud, thc grade ul ead tLc tndemarL
Tbir llmring ir nrnulaared by Wcycrhe€llg Timba Coopany and ir obnlntble ia mircd crr ordo dict &on the'Wcyeheorcr Milb et Even, Wuhirgtoa, rnd Snoqualnle Fellr, Werhiagtoa, or ftom eny ol tle ttrce Weyahacw Dirtributias Pbntr at Bdtimorc. Pocmouth, R L, ud Mlonmte Tnadct, St Peul.
Vcyerbaerscr Pacific Coast Hcmhch Flooring is anorber featrre of tbc Veyerbaetser PI*s-a buying adoantage tbat benefits eury dealer utbo ases it, Ash tbc Vqrctbaerser man. \7'EYERHAEUSER