1 minute read
Red River Lumber Co. Electrifies Railway
The Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Company recently secured the contract for furnishing two electric locomotives, an automatic sub-station and the necessary line material for electrifying the main line of the log-hairling road operated by the Red River Lumber Company from Chester to the mills at Westwood. This is the first railroad, operated by a lumber company to be converted completely from steam to electric operation.
The line is 16.8 miles long with approximately 18 miles of electrified track. Sixty t-on locom6tive units- operating normally in tandem will be employed to handle the trains over this route, much of which has an adverse grade of about L%%.
It is anticipated that the road will handle an output of close to 200,000,000 feet of logs per season.
Power will be supplied to the locomotives over a trolley
Joseph Fifer A Los Angeles Visttor
Joseph Fifer, Albion Lumber Co., San Francisco, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few days looking over lumber conditions in the Southern California territory. Accompanied by Frank Clough, their Los Angeles representative, he called on the lumber trade.
Frank Minard A San Francisco Visitor
Frank Minard, manager of the C. S. Pierce Lumber Co., Fresno, was a San Francisco visitor around the first of the month where he spent a few days looking over market conditions. Frank also called on the lumber trade and visited with his lumberman friends.