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lYendling-Nathan Co.
carrying l50O volts D.C. One of the novel features will be that the trolley will be placed to one side of the track a distance of 9 feet from the center. This will permit unlimited headroom over the track for the handling of cranes, rail laying machines, and the moving of portable camp cabins. The locomotives will be equipped with special side arm trolleys to permit the use of this special trolley structure.
lorver for operating the railway will be secured from hydro-electric power plants, and converted to the proper characteristics for railway operation by a l00O K.W. automatic substation which will operate without attendance.
The electrical installation will relieve three consolidation type oil burning steam locomotives, and will result in materially lowered cost on logs delivered to the mill at Westwood.
The Union Lurnber Co. have sold their vards at Bakersfield, Taft, Delano and McFarland. The yards at Bakersfield and Taft were purchased by the Haywdrd Lumber & Investment Co. of Los Angeles. The Delano and McFarland yards were bought by the King Lumber Co. of Bakersfield.
Erect Bunkers At Visalia Plant
The W. R. Spalding Lumber Co. are erecting very commodious and extensive bunkers at their Visalia yard. They will handle gravel and sand in connection with their operations there.
Eech ooeretor h orovided Eech- operetor -b prgyrded with three tool *eel gerrger !9 ch3* the widtb, ihiclnecc, tongue and grrove. Irupcc. gon ir Gontinuour, to inrurc exact, unv.rying NICHOLS Eg COX LUMBER CO. Grand Rapi&, Michigaa Cctter of fiu tood uor*ia3