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Why not sell Douglas Fir on the testimony of men who use it!
It is easier tn sell whqr \ou con cite sbecifrc instmwes of work well done. We give hZrewith the e*periences of others wlw are using Douglas Fir, so you ccrn use them ta chse sdles.
"Floor of Porch Sound After Twenty Years' Wear
"CAIE Mar, N.J.-A Douglas Fir porch floor which is still sound after twenty years was reported to the Bureau by L. S. Ogden, retail lumber dealer of this city and president of Pennsylvania Retail Lumber Dealers'As. sociation. Mr. Ogden had built a porch floor of another species which rotted out in from six to seven years. He replaced it twenty years ago with Douglas Fir. Fir flooring, Hemlock ceiling and finish are well liked in Cape May, according to Mr. Ogden."
"PuBELo, Coro.-One of the strongest en dorsements for fir lumber as a flooring material was evidenced in Pueblo's flood last June 0922). The floors in the Newton Lumber Company's ofice and buildings were submerged to a depth of three feet. Every other type of flooring -, -, and(other species), buckled up, while the fir floors did not bulge a particle and when cleaned up were in as good condition as when laid."
"First National Studios Specify Douglas Fir
t'BungeNr, Ceur.-More than 100 car. most interesting use was for large tnrsses to loads of Douglas Fir were used in the con- support the roofs over the four stages, where stnrction of the First National Pictures, Inc., engineers decided they were safer than steel, studios, erected here recently. Most of this because of the ability of Douglas Fir to hold Douglas Fir was used for framing, but the up longer in case of fire."
"Douglas Fir Timbers Hold up Mountain
"DENvER, Cor.o.-The famous Mo{fat Tunnel of the Denver and Salt Lake Railroad, the last blast of which was fired by President Coolidge from'Washington, D. C., has a lin- ing and top bracing of Douglas Fir. Engineers found it impossible to timber this tunnel with local woods and called upon the west coast to secure the structural grades necessary."
"Douglas Fir Doors Resist Weather
"EAsrBoornsav, MerNr.- Douglas Fir of this city. Mr. Rausch also uses Douglas doors, without finish of any kind, were left Fir in facing cabinets and other built-in fixtoutdoors through two Maine winters without ures and finds the wood quite as satisfactory visible harm, according to George H. Rauschr 8s for exposed locations."
Such specific instances of the satisfaction given by Douglas Fh and other'West Coast woods are to be found in our newspaper, "Big Trees". This is published at frequent intervals and is brimfull of real selling suggestions. Is your name on our mailing list? Ife'll be glad to send you copies regularly if you will just address West Coast Lumber Bureau, 562 Stuart Building, Seatde,'lTashington.
Frank Wise, for the past sixteen years connected with Patten & Davies, the well knorvn Southern California concern, resigned on April 1 and is now associated with the United States Building & Loan Association of Los Angeles. Frank was sales manager for Patten & Davies with headquarters in their Los Angeles office.
His new location is in the Roosevelt Building at Seventh and Flower Streets. In his new position, he will act as Secretary of the Association. Mr. Wise is very popular with the lumber fraternity of Southern California, took an active interest in all lumber affairs and is an active member of Hoo-Hoo. His many friends are sorry to see him leave the lumber game but wish him all kinds of success in his new business.
He extends an invitation to his many lumbermen friends to drop in and see him at his new location.
Eddie Martin, managing editor of "The California I.umber Merchant," acted as Chairman of the Day at the regular club luncheon held at the Elite Cafe on Thursday, April7. It was "Get Acquainted Day" and several of the members were called on t-o give a short sketch of their careers with special reference to how they became associated with the lumber business.
Owing to the absence of President B' W. Byrne,. Secre.tary Hairy Hanson presided over the business session. A goli tournament will be held the latter part of -May aTd nC"ppy" Slade was appoirited chairman oi tle golf committee."An Orphans' Drv at the Beach will be held by the Club during the early summer and a Committee headed bv Tack Thomas will have charge of the arrangemehts. -t'he next meeting will be "American Forest Week Day" and Jack Rea will act as Chairman of the Day.
I. C. Owens of the Owens-Park Lumber Co., Los Angeies, and W. D. Dunning of The Little River Redwood eo., left San Francisco, April 4th, for Humboldt County at Crannell. Mr. Owens' father is accompanying them on the trip.
A large number of the lumber mills of Washington and Oregon will shut down for a week during the first three weeks of April, and these mills will probably adopt a five day week, beginning from the date of their shutdown and lasting until July lst, in an efiort to balance production and consumption. This program is purely voluntary, but it is believed that it will, if carried out by a majority of the larger mills, result in cutting off an over-production which is said to approximate 20 per cent in the Douglas Fir region.

British Columbia Fir mills have announced that they will close down their plants for at least one week in the period from April 5 to May 10, in order to effect necessary curtailment in production.
New Logging Railroad And Mill To Be Built In Eastern Oregon
The Kinzua Lumber Company has started construction ol its 24 miles of railroad from Condon to its 38,000 acres of timber land in Wheeler county, Oregon. The company will build a sawmill in Wheeler county to saw Pine and Fir timber.
Elmore King Visits Los Angeles
Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few days around the first of the month attending to business matters. He states that the King Lumber Co. have bought the Union Lumber Co. yards at Delano and McFarland. He made the trip south by machine.
L. M. Quincy has been appointed sales manager for the Patten & Davies Company of Los Angeles, succeeding Frank'Wise, who is now connected with the United States Building & Loan Association of Los Angeles.
Mr. Quincy has been connected with Patten & Davies for the past six years and was formerly manager of their yard at South Pasadena.
N order to maintain the high standards which have made Buttress Wallboard one of the biggeet sellers in the West, daily tests are made to insure uniform quality and constant perfection. From thege tests there is no appeal-Buttress Wallboard must always be according to standard.