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BUTTRESS Meets These 3 Tests Each Day

Buttress Wallboard is noted for its strength. Each day heavy weights are suspended from sample sheets-chosen at random from the day's output-to insure a standard of endurance worthy of the brand name. After passing the testing point, additional weights are added until the board breaks.

Test Number 2

FOR FLEXIBILITY: While Buttrees Wallboard is unusually strong and rigid when installed, it ie likewise extremely flexible and full of life. Constant tests are made to make sure this fexibility remains unchanged. Two men take a sample eheet of Buttrees Wallboard and hold it ae high as poeeible, then walk toward each other until it touches the floor. When released it springs back into ite original ehape uncracFed or unbroken.' Anyone can duplicatc thie fexibility test.

Tect Number 3

FOR UNIFORMITY: Buttress Wallboard is widely specified by men who know its superior merit. These men depend upon ite uniform thickness and evennees. To insure conEtant accuracy in thickne$, micrometer tests are made each day on epecimen sheets selected at random from the production output of that day.

In addition to these tests, Buttress Wallboard passes many unofficial tests in ita wideepread use. .lnstances occur where piles of Buttress Wallboard drop many stories unharmed or uncracked. Its fire-resistant qualities make it much to be deeired in fire-proof construction work.

Yet, with all this passing of tests and unusual performance,

WALLBOARD Cortr No More.


A casual investigation on the part of a customer plus a little information given by the lumber dealer nearly always results in a profitable sale. Let the BUTTRESS representative show you the possibilities in handling this popular line. He will call at your request with samples and prices which you cannot afford to overlook.


6910 South Alamed'a Street : : Los Angeles, California

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