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The Afvin T. Simonds Economic Contests Open to Everybody Everywhere
Fifteen hundred dollars in prizes is offered annually by Alvan T. Simonds, President of the Simonds Sarv and Steel Company, to.encourage economic study.
1927 Sixth Annual Contest:
To arouse a more general interest in the subject of economics, as related to individual and general welfare.
To increase general economic intelligence and a knowledge of who pays in the end for governmental protection and control.
Subject: "Who Ultimately Pays the Taxes?" First prize, $1000; second prize, $500. Contest closes December 31, 1927.
The essays should be rvritten in a popular style, to interest "the man on the street," the average person as well as the technical. They should not be less than 3000 words nor over 5000 rvords in length.
The essays must be u'ritten in English, and preferably written on one side of the paper only. An assumed name should be at the head of each sheet. A sealed envelope, with the assumed name on the outside and containing the real name and address, should accompany each essay submitted.
The San Francisco ofifice of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. announces that they have received throttgh the Navy Department, the order to furnish the lumber for the ,"prirrto the U.' S. Frigate "Constitution." The order ."ilr fot I22M feet of Selected Common and Clear and u'ill be furnished through their orvn mills.