1 minute read
Moi stite,,l?E., S heatin COSTS NO MORE
It adds stability and long life to any building or structure due to the fact that it is strong and moisture proof.
The matter of the original coet is of prime importance to the prospective home builder but the stability of the home-so necessary to sound investment is the outstanding factor. Buildings are not constructed for the sole purpose of the protection which they afford against the heat and cold ef vvsa*rsv-they must have durability and lasting beautY.
Moistite, the perfect sheathing PaPer' offers protection against the cold of winter and the heat of summer' keeps out moisture and it is also sound proof due to the inner layer of bitumen which is applied in the process of manufacture.
Good Profits In The Sale Of Moistite
There is a tremendous opportunity awaiting you, Mr. Lumber Dealer, if you will but stock and push the sale of Moistite. The cost is small per roll and when kept turning is sure to bring profits to you. Remember Moistite is easily applied under any exterior finish, deadens sound,moisture proof, is strong, easy to apply, clean to handle and light in color. It costs no more than any other sheathing paper and its use adds to the stability of any structure.
Call or write any of our divisions for the many dealer helps and advertising pieces on Moistite-the perfect sheathing paper.