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costs more to rehang and refinish one warped door than any fo, a

IROBABLY vou havc lcarned by expericncc that it is almost impos- 'sible to straighten a warped door propcdy; -thatit costs you more to rehang and refinish one warped door propedy than the small cxtra pricc for Laminex doors throughout thc house.

Dampncss and changcs of tempcrature damage ordinary doors, but cannot possibly make a Laminex door warp or stick because the stiles and cross-rails of a Lamincx door are built on a corc of strcss -balencing blocks. 'Any attcmpt of onc block to warp, shrink or swell is immediately countcrbalanccd by forces in thc op posite dircction cxerted by neighboring blocks.

All parts of a Laminex door, including the plywood pancls, are held together firmly by Laminex cement, which is absolutely waterproof and actually strongcr than wood. You could, and many retail dealers do soak a Laminex door in water for we.eks ata time to prove that no amount of dampncss can makc it warp, or comc apart.

You can obtain stocks of Lamincx doors in popular designs-cach door bcaring thc rcplaccment guarantcc labcl and thc word "LAMINEX." Whcn you handle Lamincx doors, you makc a rapid turnover and satisfactory profim on a small invcstmcntparticulady whcn you conduct a public door soaking test. Complctc instructions for making this famous test will bc mailcd on application.

Tnp WnBBr-nn, Oscooo Corvrrer.ry, Tacoma, Wash.


I would like details of your dealer help plan' Namc Address

Cb.. ......State.

Please send illustrated literature and sample of Laminex wood to test.

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