1 minute read
Builders are blamed fo, wdrPed doors
You can stake your reputation on Laminex, the door that stands the fa*ous wdter test
"flhvgEthe door was hung before the plaster was dry. Maybe it was stored in a damp warehouse. Maybe it was damp on one side and dry on the other.
Whatever the cause, there was no need for hanging a door that could warp, stick or rattle. Not when you can furnish Laminex doors that are absolutely unaffected by dampness- that cannot possibly warp, stick or rattle.
?|urtoERS get the blame for warped doors, but they pass the expense on to the retail dealer who furnished the doors.
Retail dealers tell us that their losses on defective doors run up into real money when the doors are not guaranteed by the manufacturer. But there is no such thing as a warped Laminex door which costs a dealer anything. On the bottom of each genuine Laminex door isa label bearing a definite replacement gva.'z"ntee, backed by the largest door manufacrurer in the world. Probably there isn't one Laminex door in ten thousand that will give trouble, and there is no chance that, any Laminex door will warp, shrink or swell after hanging. You can truly stake your reputation on the door that stands the famous watef test.
Architects and building officials have certified r85 of these Laminex door soaking tesrs in all parts of the country-giving voluntary testimony that dampness cannot make a I-aminex door warp, split or come apaft..
A nationwide advertising campaign is broadcasting the facts about Laminex doors to millions of prospective door buyers-with the result that most of the people who come to buy doors from you are glad to have you furnish Laminex doors -the kind that are trouble-proof.