2 minute read
The True Association SPirit
By Jock Dionne
Civilization began when men bcgan grouping tqgcther for muttral protection and aafety. The civilization of business lies in co-opcration through busincss organizatrons.
THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT is a firm believer in the neccssrty for mcn in thc same line of business banding together to improve their business conditions, and bctter to servc the public.
It believes that cvery lumberman strould belong to his rightful organization or organizations.
It believes in the glory of being a PART- perhaps it has been this peculiarity -qf oqr- l,anguage that has caused us to bg individually, "a part apart" in -ttre industry-every man for himself.
In the beginning we note a property pcculiar to the English language.
"A pARi." Separate these words and we make an expression which means to join-"A PART."
Bring them together and we se?arate the item of which we speak-"APART."
\ille have, too many of us, kcpt too mrrch within the four walls of our offices. Wc have had our names on th6 rosteg dt ogr lircal or state or national trade association, but tbat was all.
We have failcd suficiently to rallze that thcre was a grcat -world outside-a world in which we h"d;;;'L:f--" *i.ttia t" ritu it; and which we were evintually punished for not taking.
Our ruminatiqns have bcerr introspcctivc-wg ^have been pronc to magnify the PART at thc ctp"*" "l ttti WffOf.S; a false mecrtal attitude which has wrought great harm.
Strange to say, we have failcd to takc a lesson from the fundamentals of our busin€se FOR THE SAKE of our business.
Wcknowperfectlywellthata.buildingmustbe built accordilg t_o a_well .determin{ n!n1 ;1e tn"t"-itat-in-ii"-a."ig" so many preces of structural tirirber must be placcd to give stf,cttgth and rigidity to the building.
And there is no need to say that we would not thin& of attcmpting to guar:rntcc strength to any buldini il-;hi"h--tlt" lcnJiai itat *"r followed but some of the ltruitural timbers were omitted.
Suitr a procedurc would really be unttrinkable IN our business-but FOR our busincss, that is iust what wi have been doing for years-<nd are still doing'
A single 2x4 in your y"rd does not appcar to have mrrch importance-but IN THE BUILDING it is of supreme value.
That value appGars only when it lcai'cs your yard and goeo out into the world and DOES ITS REAL DUTY.
Thc PUBLIC rccognizes the irnportancc of that picqg ol zr!,-d of WHAT^IT-P9-ES-'and how.u"tliti--po"-atrt-it ;a;;;; i; ;d who seee it oN THE PILE, it is ABSOLUTELY NEctsSARY IIi THE BUILDING.
Take it away and the buildingnight_co_llapac; it has received a VALUE; it is of IMPORTANCE; it has become i PART OF THE WHOLE.
And you-you who occupy IN THIS INDUSTRY thc same position as docs the 2x4 in thc CONSTRUCTION-whaI of You?
You may thin& you are a amall_man-y_oullr3l_t!{nq thal Vo]-!r3vc_brrl-a small__ryg!_to-p!ay----b-ut -IN TriE"sinUitune br youn INDUSfRY_in trre BUILDING OF YOUR COMMUNITY-you arc that very essential "2x4."
You have a most vital part+ moat important rol+and if you takc your propcr -placc in the SfnU-Ctiiif-e-OFtgiit-CSii ptantca by-the Crreat Architect; if -yog manfufy_ hold- up--ag-ainst th;-;t;i"s lna itrcsses io-wtrictt you will-be subjectcd-then you will have the glory of BEING A PART.
Your trade association is a very vital elernent of your industry; it is- the sole mcane by whtgh th" tft*ctrt "aOri inaustiv can be &pressed; it is theiole means by whic,h- the best ideas may be developeii and thc wrong -practices eliminated; i! is the sole means by which the Govcrament-rn time oi need-can call upon your industry for help.
The trade association represcnts even morc than "public opinion," for .it can bc made a strong govcrning power with the right, delegated, to bc eure, to reward and to punish
Thc excusc some merchants give for not joining their trade association-that th€y can't see whcrc they get their money's worth-is i most humiliating ionfession of ignorance and of mental narrowncss thai trhey should be ashamed to makc.
The trade associiation rcpresents thc powcr of mass-a power inhcrcntly impossible to individual rurits-and indeed the only power that can avail an entire industry.