4 minute read
Hammond Lumber Company Redwood Operations Samoa, California
One 9f tL" b.1SSe9t and most efficient sawmill plants on the entire Pacific Coast, is the great Redwood inanufac- turing p]ant of. The Hammond Lumber Company, at Samoa, California.
. Th. Redwo_od plant of the Hammond Lumber Company is located at Samoa, Humboldt County, California, ori thi west side of Humboldt'Bay, directly opposite the city of Eureka on a peninsula extending from Aliata to the haibor entrance. and^separating the waters of Humboldt Bay from the Pacific Ocean. Transportation between Eurelia and Samoa is maintained by a well organized ferry service with boats running at frequent intervtls, and is also connected with the Redwood highway by a well maintained road adjoining_t_he_Bedwood highway at Arcata, being also served by the N. W. P. Railroad
The manufacturing facilities of this plant consist of a sawmill and remanufacturing department adjacent thereto; a fully equipped planing mill; and a sash, door, and millwork factory. The_ sawmill and remanufacturing depart- ment with a capacity of 4OO,00O feet in each nine hours contains the following equipment: Two lO-foot Band Saws, one 9-foot Double Cutting Band Saw, one 8-foot Doub_le Cutting Band Saw, one 12x32 Wickes Gang, one 7-foot Horizontal Resaw, one 7-foot Vertical Resaw, three,72-inch Edgers, one 60-inch Edger, one 48-inch Edger, one 7Z-incll. Double E_d_ger, four Air-operated Gang Trimmg{s._ -Carriages- for Nos. l, 2 and. 3 Bands are Jquipped with Martin air dogs, and carriage for No. 4 Band ij "quip- ped with electric dogs. Ih connection with the main iawmill operations they also operate a shingle mill and a lath mill. The sawmill is electrically driven throughout.
The planing mill is well equipped with all the latest machinery for running Siding, Ceiling, Flooring, etc. Is also equipped y:!! Et"-a Resaws and Rip Saws, has a daily capacity of 250,000 feet and is electrically operated throughout.
Door, Sash and Millwork Factory
This unit of the operation consists of a cutting depart- ment of seven table cut-off saws with a daily capacify of 100,000 feet; a moulding department in which they operate ten moul.ling machines. with a capacity of 75,000 feet daily; a modernly equipped frame department for the mahufacture of K. D. frames, having an output of 1,000 frames daily; a1d a finished door department which has just re- cently been rebuilt with the latest in door machinirv. and wtrich is ca-pable of- turning out g0O to 1,000 doors'daity. They- also have a fully_ eq-uipped Linderman departmeit for the manufacture of -built-up stock; a sash department for the manufacture of set-up sash, which they furnish both. glazed and unglazed; also a full line of turning lathes for the manufacture of turned stock, such as porch c"olumns, balusters, polch posts, etc.; and a millwoik departmeni for the manufacture of all kinds of special itemj of mill- work. As in the case of the other units of the.plant, all departm-ents of the sash and door factory are elictrically operated.
The sorting of the mill output is taken care of over a great. sorting works, consisting of four units with a total length of approximately 1500 lt., and on which are made slightly over 600 different sortings. These tables are served by monorail cars operating on biidge cranes, and^ also Ross iariiers. -o-
The requirements for kiln-dried lumber are served bv a battery 9t- 3?,9rV lilns with a monthly capacity of thieeand-a-half million feet.
The carloading shed, which also serves as a storase rvarehous: for dry manufactured stock, is 1,000 feet loig and 115 feet wide. It has a storage capacity of 2,000.0d) feet of lumber, and trackage spa& toi ZS'railroad cars. This shed is served by monorails operating on three bridge cranes.
The iargo shipping is served by two units of doql6, one for export ald one for domestic shipments, these tflunits accommodating four-and-a-half mlllion feet of Fmber. The. export dock is also equipped with a warehouse for the ltorjng- of dry _lumber, door_ stock, etc., awaiting shipment. Both of these docks are equipped with industriaf tracis and stock is delivered to the steamers by monorail cars and Ross Carriers.
The yard piling is_ done .entirely with two Gantry cranes electrically , operated, each crane running on a- double set of standard g'aug'e railroad tracks, one crane having a total span over all of. l7O feet, the other of 2OZ f.eet.
Power Plant
_ The new power plant, which has been completed within the last year, consists of four batteries of -Badenhausen boilers developing 9,000 h.p. Electric power for use about the plant is furnished by four steam turbines having a combined capacity of 5,250 kilowatts. The porver plant is served by one smoke-stack, which is of unusual size, and doubtless some statistical information regarding it might be of interest. The top of this stack is 308 feet above the ground, the outside diameter of the top being 19 feet and of the base 28 feet. The base of this stack rests on a solid concrete block 50 feet square by 11 feet deep, this slab being built on a solid block of 240 piling' Among other items. the construction of the stack required 3,0@ yards of concrete, 120,000 lbs. reinforcing iron' and 85,000 fire brick lining.
The Hammond Lumber Company is one of the largest holders of timberlands in the Redwood belt, and their logging operations are carried on at a distance of thirty to ihitty-n". miles from the mill. Four camps are operated, three with donkey equipment and the fourth camp with I-idgerwood tower skidder, which incidentally is the only Lidgerwood skidder operated in the Redwood ti'mber belt' Logs are hauled to the mill with their own rolling stock, rvhich consists of six locomotives and two hundred sta'ndard flats. The log pond at the mill has a storage capacity
(Continued on Page 34)