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Red Streak High Speed Stecl Knivga will give you iotr".r servicc without regrinding or iointing. Thcy "re -made of shock-rcsisting stccl.

"Tunssweld," the onlv !9ld-cd High Speed ft-eel K;i[:- The cutting "dge of high specd steel is welded i" "Lft steel back-. Outlaet thick carbon steel knivcs ttrree to frve times.

Ordcr from


116 Eut Third Strcct Zn-A Firrt Strcct - Lor Angclc+ 6lif. - Srn Frrncirco, 6lif.

(Oontinued from Page 33) for about twelve million feet. In line with the other Redwood operators, this company has a definite reforestation policy and replants about 1,000 acres annually.

Cargo on Doch Read.y for Steamers.

Located at the mill they have a large and very modernly equipped machine shop which efficiently handles all of the work in this line incidental to the logging, railroad, and mahufacturing operations.

The total number of employees amounts to approximately 1300, five hundred being employed in the logging and railroad operations, and 800 in the mills and yard.

The total productioh of this plant averages 40O,000 feet for a 9-hour day, or over 120,000,ffi0 feet annually.

Mill Officials

J. A. Rankin, Manager.

W. E. Peed, Logging Superintendent.

F. H. White, in charge of 'Eastern Sales.

Yard Vieza.

Wm. Hoover, Master Mechanic.

H. W. Kissling, Purchasing Agent.

Main Office, San Francisco

A. B. Hammond, President.

L. C. Hammond, General Manager. Henry F. Faull, Sales Manager.

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