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Charles L. Campbell
l\{ostly any sawmill man from Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, or Oklahoma, wourd be more than tie was ueneral lvlanager or tne )nfeveport Slowplpe o( )neer .ivletar Works, at Shreveport, La., all that time, and he installed and kept up the blower systems in hundreds of the leading mills of that territory throughout the lifetime of those mills.
"I was there when they dug the log ponds and I stayed until there were no logs left in most of them," is the way Mr. Campbell puts it. And lumbermen from that territory rvill relate how highly he stood in the estimation of the trade, and how dependable and useful were his services always.
Then he moved to Oakland, California, and entered the same line of .endeavor in a territory which has enough future timber to furnish a basis for the future plans of this young-old blowpipe man. He is head of the Wes-Co Blower & Pipe Company, which concern has been previously discussed in these columns. It is a big and efficient service station along blowpiping lines. He is ably assisted in this work by his two sons, Charles R. Campbell, Sales Engineer, and Allen R. Campbell, Secretary.
The -Wes-Co Company is now enjoying its fifth year of good business and prospects for the future are encouraging, so much so that plans are being made at the present time for a bigger and better factory to handle the increasing business.
You Both Win
\,ZOU WlN--$ecause you get a bigger l. profit on each sale. Your customer wins, because no other shingle can give him so MUCH per dollar of invesfinent.
SHINGLES aie cut only from selected cedar, specially stained and preserved to save paint. Creo-Dipts last a life-timHte IOO/g vertical grained, so lie flat and snug in any weather.
Vrite for our dealer proposition today.
J. C. Skellie, Building Material Exliibit, Metropoli: tan Bldg., Broadway at Fifth St., Loe Angeles, Cal. Alfred J. Helf, Building Material Exhibit, 77 O'Fattell St., San Francisco, CaI.