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Portland Wholesale Firm Gets Order Which Awakens Old Memories
Chas. W. Buckner, manager of the sash, door and panel department of Morrill & Sturgeon Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., wondered if his eyesight was all right the other day when he saw an order on his desk for doors, the first item of which read, "100 Barroom Doors." The order was O.K., however, as it came from a concern in Colombia, South America.
John Buffelen Will Build Largest Hardwood Mill On Coast
John Buffelen, Tacoma manufacturer, recently announced that he had commenced construction at Tacoma of a mill to manufacture hardwood lumber, veneer and plywood. The cost of the plant is estimated at $300,00O. It will be taoused in a building 8O by 500, two stories high, and will have a daily capacity of 50,OOO board feet of hardwood products. Various species of the Lauan hardwood of the Philippines will be used. The plant is expected to be ready June 1st.
Longview, April 7.-R. A. Long, chairman of the board of the Long-Bell Lumber Company, announced today that the company's two mills here would close down for a week in the near future for repairs, and because of market conditions, and then would resume on the present five-day week basis, day and night shift. He hoped that conditions would warrant full six-day operation by July 1.
Case Shingle Mill Reopens
The Case shingle mill, No. 2, was reopened April 11, at Raymond, Wash., by the Willapa Lumber Co., which recently took it over. The plant will employ about 45 men.
The Elsinore Lumber Company, feeling a need in their community for convenient and economical construction of homes, as well as providing funds for their construction, has just announced a plan that will appeal to every individual ambitious to oryn a home.
They have arranged to procure plans and specifications for homes, from the most modest cottage to the finest mansion, and furnish these plans to the home builder, at a cost of $10.00 and up. The company will advise customers as to the cost of materials alone, or for both materials and labor, and will also supply the necessary finances, on reasonable terms. This service willfill a great need in the community, by making possible the owning ofa home on very small payments, as well as getting the most economical construction
Joe Steele Returns From Mexico Trip
Joe Steele, representative of the Moore Dry Kiln Co., with headquarters in Portland, Ore., was a recent Los Angeles visitor, where he spent a few days'while enroute from Mexico to Portland. He has just returned from a three months' trip to Mexico, where he-has been remodeling'the dry kilns of the Durango Lumber Co. The Durango Lumber Co. is operated by Fred Palmer, with Chauncey Stibich as his assistant manager, who are both well known to the lumber trade of California. Mr. Steele also visited Mexico City and the west coast of Mexico on business matters.
Mr. L. J. Ryan, employed in the King City yard of the Tynan Lumber Comp4ny since November, has been made manager at that point, while Mr. M. C. Wood, who has been in charge of the yard, will be transferred to Salinas.