1 minute read

Speaking of Real AdYertisin$

We will all have to admit that the General Motors C.orpontion is a succerE. last year this corporation made as much money as U. S. Steel In the last several yeart it haa been the wonder worker of the business world.

You have heand of what Chevrolet----one of the General Motors babies-has been doing to Mr. Fond's well known product.

Iluring the year 1926, the bis Chevrolet year, the General Motorg C-ompany advertised Chewolet rather extensively. They admit that this advertieing had much to do with building that banner year. No one, probably, will attempt to doubt it.

[.ast year Chevrolet rent out three piecee of mail advertising in rapid succeEsion, telling 5,(X)0,(X)O readerc in the country about Chev' rolet.

There were 15,0(X)r000 of thege circulars in all, and tlrey were printed and mailed at a cost of $1,1fi),0fi).

That wilt give you an idea of what Genenl Motors Corporation thinks of their mail advertising.

And yet, there are worlds of lunrber merchants who would like to make tlreir btrsincas hum like General Motonr is humming, who neyer send out a piece of mail advertising.


LonSview to Carry on Extensive Planting Program

Longview, Wash.-Thirty thousand plants are expected to make this city the flower and shrub lover's paradise and a more pleasant place for all to live. The thirty thousand plants recently were put out as a part of an extensive planting program.

The recent planting includes 500 trees, 10,000 shrubs, 13,500 bulbs, 6,000 perennials and 60 evergreens. One thousand two-year-old delphinium plants already have been set in various parking areas.

The delphiniums are of the Wrexham strain, similar to the varieties grown in England and Scotland and have received the most "awards of merit" in English flower shorvs. The present plan is to develop these plants into extraordinary specimens and make this city famous for its delphiniums.

fn acordance with the city beautification plan, the thirty thousand plants rvere set in sections A, C, and D, of the Lake Sacajarvea park development. Other sections of the park and city are included in the Program.


Porthnd' Oregon

Fir Laminated Finishing Lumber

Avoid loss on account of warping, checking, and splitting of your Fir finish lumber by placing cuARANrrro

Fir Finiiih

Eithcr in atraight carloads or in mixed care with Doorg and Panels



Hoquiem, Warh.

Mrnufecturcn of Vcrticrl

Grain Fir Doorr


Hoquienr Warh.

Menufacturcrr of 'Gtryr

Herbo/' Ycll,ow Fir

Larninatcd Panclr

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