3 minute read
Tri-Annual Convention of Millwork Institute at San Jose
The tri-annual convention of the Millwork Institute of California was held in the Sainte Claire Hotel, San Jose, March 3O and 31.
Th,e four sessions were well attended and much discussion took place on subjects of importance to the industry.
Los Angeles was selected as the next meeting place, and the convention will be held on July 19 and n.'
The convention heartily endoised the Boulder Dam Proj9ct. They also endorsed the holding of the proposed conference by the millwork industry with the Federal Trade C_ommission, and the formation of the proposed National Millwork Association.
Another important step was the indorsement of Manag- ing Director Didesch's recommendation that local branchis oJ the l.nstitute supply the Domestic.Arts departments of the various schools and colleges with properly laid out the Russ Building and the new Hudkins Hotel, have used wood sash, and Mr. Didesch said that the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association had done good work in seeing that wood sash were used in the Veterans' Hospitals all over the country.
Managing Director Didesch read a letter from the Boulder Dam Association appealing for the assistance of the Millwork Institute in obtaining needed legislation for the protection against floods of the 65,000 people living in the Imperial Valley. The action taken on this matter appears in a resolution endorsing the Boulder Dam Project.
George Cornwall was the next speaker, and-he characterized the building of the Boulder Dam as one of the most important undertakings for the betterment of all concerned that could be undertaken. He told of his trip to the Southwest, remarked on the growth of the merger idea in all built-in kitchen equipment, and also samples of all woods. available lines of business, and commended Mr. Didesch's idea of installing built-in kitchens in domestic arts departments of schools and colleges. He assured members that if the Millwork Institute had done nothing more than issue "Standard Sash & Door Schedules No. 128," that act alone would
It was also decided to prepare a complete plan for Plant Certification to come up foi adoption'lt ttte Los Angeles meeting.
President Harry Gaetjen, who was the recipient of many have fully justified its existence. congratulations on being well enouglr after his recent illness
_ Telegrams were read from H. P. Dixon and Frank J. !! Preside _at the- convention, called the meeting to order Pal, L-os Angeles, regretting their inability to U. pt"r""i. 10_a. m., March 30.
In the course of his temarks the.president said he had Committee the following: Raiph Button, Button & Man- beenaccused-lastyearof beingan aristocratof themillwork njng, San Erancisco,, Cha"irmanl R. R. Smith, Eureka; J.G. industry, and since that time he had found that the diction- 5en'nedy,_Pacific Mig. Co.; H.'C. Trelf, I-os engeler,""nd ary- says an aristocrat is "one who works for pleasur.e only," George -M. Cornwall." so he hoped none of them would deserve that name in ihe /'Capt. E. L. Norberg, San Francisco, chairman of the future.
Reviewing the past year he said the mllwork industry
Xllri?:313:ii'"1d:#trt"T."?:J:: ,fl;ffi"lnJ1'"1t:l',fj was not the only one that has ha-d -a Quiet year, and rC- program of the afternoon s.ession, his subject f.i"g ,,Cio.., minded his hearers that there will be a buyers' market, Relitions Between the Millwork Industry and the Archi_ just as long as the-seller will. permit it to be so. He urged tects.,, In the course of this address he stressed the im_ them to help sell the new price guide to the trade, andls- portance of bringing the work they are doing to the at- sured them that this will correct many of the evils of the iention of the aichitects, and suggested supplying every sash and .door trade, and conclude.d by asking -m-embers to architect in california with a rist of Millwork Institute give free bent to their thought, as the_purpose of these meet- members in his vicinity, concluding wittr an assurance that ings was to have free discussion on all matters pertaining to his institute will be gtaa to ."_op.?"t. 1o th,e fullest extent '"ffi;:frffbttJ."i::*ii. T. Didesch then presented hi, ...*ith the millmen' report. rr H' '1" presented hiy"- Parson Simpkin was the. next.speaker, giving,an inspiring
This *as followed by the report of Treasurer E. A. Nich- twenty.minute -talk in which he told of conditions Ls hi orson, who urged derinqu.ent members t" i?l
President Gaetjen took the opportunity io iemark here Muscle Shoais. He predicted thatthe year lg2g would that it was gratifying to them to note that the two largest buildings erected in San Francisco in the last 18 monihs, (Continued on Page 10.)