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Goodyear Produces Ten Million Tires in Los Angeles, Starting on Second Ten Million
Officials of the Western Goodyear plant of Los Angeles, owned and operated by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of California, Incorporated, u'ere interested spectators recently, as tire-maker Harry Griffin built the 10,000,000th tire to be produced in the Los Angeles plants since the factory first opened.
This event was celebrated in traditional Goodyear fashion by ten long siren blasts f rom thef actory whistle, thus commemorating anotheroutstanding achievment that very favorably compares with the all time complete Goodyear production of 110,000,000 tires recently reached, states C. W. Bradbury, of the Truck Tire Service Company, local Goodyear distributors.
It isnot quite eight years ago since Goodyear built its first Western tire; says Mr.
000,000 tires is reflected in some of the figures released, showing the value of this Western Goodyear plant to the West.
Over 41,000 long tons of rubberhave been brought into Los Angeles, most of it through Paciftc Ports, from the Far East.
Over 79,000 bales of cotton, almost all from Arizona and California cotton fields, have come to the plant and have been f abricated in Goodyear's own textile mills adjacent to the tire factorv.
Over $1o,0oo,oo0.0o has been paid out for miscellaneous material and supplies.
mercial and professional life of the West. Other rnillions of dollars have poured out through all arteries of Western business and agriculture for the Western materials built into Bradbury. This epochmaking event occurred June 14, l9n, and in less than eight years 10,000,000 tires have rolled out of this plant and is a Itriking evidence o{ the productive resources and energies centered in this Western development of Goodyear's.
Older residents of the Southwest section of Los Angeles still recall the mammoth cauliflower field, where is now located Goodyear's activities. Very few of the old-timers, however, wbuld recognize the locality today, for not only is it teeming with Goodyear's activities, but also other industries have located adjacent to the Goodyear plant and south and west are miles of homes.
Millions of dollars have poured out of the Goodyear pay envelope into the local industries, real estate and the com-
The Goodyear plant today represents an original investment of approximately $15,000,000.00 in plants and equipment, plus another million for subsequent additions in 7926 and'1927 and there is in contemplation an investment of another half million for additional plant facilities this year.
It has meant steady employment to approximately 3000 people, over a period of almost eight years.
A pay-roll of $26,000,000.00 has been distributed since the plant building operations were first started,
Goodyear is now celebrating the building of its first 10,000,000, and pausing only to cheer, for the second 10,000,000 are on their way.
C. E. McFarland has been appointed manager of the Tilden Lumber & Mill Company's yard at Stockton, succeeding O. D. Ruse who. has resigned from that position.