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Hoo Hoo News
10 Kittens Initiated At Fresno
The San Joaquin \ralley Hoo-Hoo staged a very successful concatenation on March 24. W. P. Johnson, vicegerent snark of the district, assisted by the following members of the Nine, had charge of the initiation: Senior Hoo-Hoo, Forrest Piel; Junior Hoo-Hoo, M. D. Johnson; Bojum, James J. Chase; Scrivenoter, L. L. Walker; Jabberwock, Cecel L, Bingham; Custocatian, R. G. Chalfant; Arcanoper, Andrew 'P. Dron, Jr.; Gurdon, Hal Baldwin.
The concatenation was held in the large banquet room of the Commercial Club and opened with a splendid banquet and some very lively and high class entertainment which was enjoyed by some 75 Hoo-Hoo members. The principal speaker of the evening lvas our good brother, Parson Simpkins, r.ho added the usual necessary spirit and enthusiasm to make this concatenation a success. Supreme Bojum Fred W. Roth of San Francisco also attended and gave a very interesting talk, outlining some of the constructive work done at the last Annual held in Miami, Florida. There were ten kittens initiated and three reinstatements as follows:
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Stage Successful Party
arry V. Hanson
bout 150 members of Hoo-Hoo attended the "Night in Kittens
Bain, Lyle M., Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Pinedale, Calif.
Bush, C. J., Maisler Bros. Lbr. Co., Box 2278, Fresno.
Byles, Robert H., Sugar Pine Lbr. Co., Pinedale, Calif.
Ford, Harold James, Sugar Pine Lbr. Co., 550 Simpson Ave., Fresno.
Heathorn, Norman Victor, Routt Lumber Co., care Routt Lumber Co,, Fresno.
Horton, Rae Gilbert, Sugar Pine L,umbet Co., 2616 Harvey Ave,, Fresno.
Johnston, Bernard Cecil, Sugar Pine f,umber Co., 3833 Verrue Ave.. Fresno.
Lewis, Joseph Ginham, Sugar Pine Lurnber Co., 1390 Roosevelt Ave.. Fresno.
Sanford, Burnett, Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Pinedale, Cal.
Stevens, John Wilson, Madera Sugar Pine Co., 200 N. Lake St., Madera.
Bingham, Cecil W., Bingham-Wenks Planing N[ill, P. O. Box ll0, Fresno.
Dron, Andrer,r' P., Jr., Dolan Wrecking & Const. Co., 104 Van Ness Ave., Fresno.
Prescott, Edwin Merritt, Prescott Brick & Lbr Co., 414 Rowell Bldg., Fresno.
A very interesting program has been outlined for the next twoor three months in the Fresno Hoo Hoo Club, headed by Ben Maisler, President, and L. L. Walker, Secfetarv.
Stockton Hoo Hoo Tohear Forestry Speaker
Members of the Rotary Club of Stockton will have as their guests, members of the Hoo-Hoo Club of Stockton at a luncheon on April 25th, at rvhich time H. N. Wheeler, chief lecturer of the U. S. Forest Service, a Rotarian and a member of Hoo-Hoo, rvill address the gathering.
ercial Club, Los Angeies. Music was furnished by a ar/ Logging Camp" party, sponsored by the Los Angeles f{oo H-oo Club, on Fridiy evening, March 30, at the Comthree piece orchestra and during the evening the large tttrnout enjoyed many special entertainment features.
A buffet supper was served. Harry V' Hanson and his committee deseive a lot of credit for staging this successful Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club: B. W. B Lloyd Cole, Max Landram, Russell Er affair. He was assisted by the follorving members of the and I. E. Martin. y mer Lub: Byrne, Don PhiliPs, m. Edmonson, Mel Coe
More Than Half Of Hoo Hoo Clubs Toaid Forest Weekactivities
The Hoo-Hoo Headquarters in St. Louis have received word from more than half of the seventy-two Hoo-Hoo Clubs signifying their intention to aid and sponsor the Friends of the Forest programs during Forest Week which is from April 22 to Z8th.
The assistance in these programs will take various forms. In.twenty-five cities the Junior Chamber of Commerce and thc Hoo-Hoo will unite their cooperation as agreed by the International Hoo-Hoo and the United States Junior Chamber. Public speakers from the Forestry division will be available for speeches before business, civic and school organizations.
At a meeting of the Tom A. McCann Hoo Hoo Club of McCloud, California, held on March 7, arrangements rvere made to finance the building of a cabin for the Boy Scouts' The cabin u'ill be erected in the stlmmer camp of the Boy Scouts near McCloud. The meeting rvas largely attended, there being 54 members and 11 guests in attendance. President C. B. Daveney presided.
Twenty-eight kittens were enrolled, six delinquent members reinstated, and a lfoo Hoo Club was formed at Phoenix, Ariz., March 16.
The meeting' was the feature event of the first night of the convention of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona. Dinner ivas served in. the Hotel Adams, and afterward thire was a program of short talks. W. G. Ramshaw of Albuquerque, Counselor for New Mexico; Frank Curran, former vicegerent at Los Angeles; Ed Culnan and Ted Lawrence both of Los Angeles; John A. Johnson and N. H. "Hawk" Huey were the speakers.
tact, Maris, Huey and Dolan; advisory, Hays, Wilcox and Taylor; entertainment, Reed, Engstrom and Donaldson; program, Halloran, Baker and Henry; attendance, Light, Pearson and Hughes I music, O'Malley, Shoup and Johnson; publicity, Seligman, Ernshaw and IlfcFarland; traffic, Pierce, Eubank and Finnell; arbitration, McCalla, Pride and Shrigley; res,earch, Robertson, Hamman and Pool; publig afiaiis, Howell, Loy and O'Malley; sports, Beach, Sanford and Gibson.
Vicegerent Snark Percy I. Merithew conducted the initiatory work, which was impressively done by an able degree team.
A telegram of congratulation was received from Arthur A. Hood, president of the Southwest Lu.mber Sales Corporation, Albuquetq,re, past snark of 'the universe.
Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club
The Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club held their regular meeting at the Commercial Club, San Jose, March 26.
Secretary Paul M. P. Merner addressed the meeting on the subject of the Concatenation to be held in connection with the Millmen's banquet.
President Al Hubbard introduced Reuben W. Smith, of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, who gave a talk on wood shingles. He spoke of the fire-resistant qualities of both Cedar and Redwood shingles. He quoted some interesting statistics regarding house fires, stating that 96% of these fires start inside the house, and of the remaining 4%,2% to 3/o are caused by burning brands.
Brother Huey was nominated for state counselor; Francis W. Pool of Phoenix, for vicegerent snark of the Valle-v District; Albert W. Stacy of Douglas for reappointment as vicegerent for the Border District; W. A. Lamprey for vicegerent of the Tucson District; and L.H. De Mund for vicegerent of the Yuma District.
M. H. McCalla of the Foxworth-McCalla Lumber Company was elected president of the Hoo FIoo Club, which is No. 72. E. V. O'Malley of the O'Malley Lumber Company was named vice-president, and R. V. Baker, secretary of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona, secretary-treasurer.
The directors are: L. M. Hamrnan, Hamman Lumber Company, representing the retailers; John A. Johnson. John ,d. Johnson Lumber Company, for the wholesalers; N. C. Pierce, Southwestern Sash & Door Company, for the sash and door branch; J. C. Dolan, Dolan Box Company, box manufacturers; and C. P. Henry, Charles R. McCormick Company, representing the salesmen.
The following committees were appointed: Nominations, Brothers Shoup, O'Malley and Halstead; association con-
Rod Hendrickson, Oakland, also talked on this subject, and just escaped a fine for advertising the fire resisting qualities of Black Bear Paint.
Milton Cross Visitsbay District
Milton Cross, manager of the Cross Lumber Company, Merced, paid a visit to the Bay district around the first of the month.
F. Dean Prescott, general manager'of the Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, was a business visitor to San Fran. cisco at the end of March.
San Diego Lumberman Dies
William J. Hudner, for eighteen years estimator fo' the Lurnbermen's Association of San Diego, California, died on March 3fth at the age of 66 years. He had been a member of Hoo-Hoo since 1920. His widow zurvives him.

Mr. Spendix: "Any installments due today?',
Mrs. Spendix: "No, dear, I think nol',
Mr. Spendix: "Any paJrm€nts due on the house, the radio, the furniture, the rugs, or the books?"
Mrs. Spendix: "No".
Mr. Spendix: "ThEn I have ten dolla,rs we don't need. What do you say if we buy a netr/ car?"
Pied Advertising Copy

The following, from The New York World, is entitledn "W.ren the Advertising Copy Writer Becarnp Cuckoo":
Somebody did a golden deed; Somebody prwed a friend in need; Somebody sang a beautiful song; Somebody smiled a whole day tong; Somebody thought, "'Tis sweet tolive"; Somebody said" "I'm glad to grve'l; Somebody fought a valiant fight, Somebody lived to shield the rightWas that sornebody you?
adding merely a little lerrtron juice you ggf most distant ofablank,asolid he crurnpled up in stations. Ttre first exhilirating &augh1/aLone rells the story. For they are made to fit snug!/ around ttre hips, the directo,r shouted, and wilt leave the stiffest beard ootf and, soothing. Your to fdll when you're shot t" taste and refinement will strong$ 1[rge you to orrn these beautiful rugs. A fEvt' minutes factice each day rqeans
"So gossamer-like these dainty French under-things, so mild'and mellow-Gone are "breaking-in" torturest By greater personality, nlore money, healthier drildren ! Simply mail the coupon to the left and we will send you a sample tube, profusely illustrated,
"Doctot'', he murmured, "What are my chances?" ' 'Nbt so bad, not so bad. But don't start read,ing dny long co,ntinued storiest'.
Some Printer
"May I printa kiss on your lips?" I asked, She nodded her sweet pernrission, So we w,ent to press, and I rather guess, We printed a large editi loading of a pistol to be used accident occurred, and, instead into the body of the actor, and heap on the floor-Whereat , you poor sap, that's not the way
"One edition is hardly 1{nough?" Said she with a ng pout, So again or! the pn he form was laid, And we got somc er&as out.
Dr. W, S. Adams, who directs the great observatory for the Governrnpnt on Mount Wilson, states that modern astronomy counts billions and billions of stars in the cosmic galexy to which our sun betongq many of whiclr are a.rnillion times as big as our sun, which in turn ie a million times as big as our earth. He says that they count about thirty billion suns in our "urliversd', and that the're are probably a million suctr "spiral nebulae", or constellatio,ns tike this one. Dr. Adams thinks those spaces are occupied by thinking beings. Ma.kes our little world seem rnighty small doesn't it? And. think of the Porrrer that made and managea dl of that !
An old gentleman tumbled ovrer a high fence just in tirne to save himself from an angqf bull that had rushed hina in the pasture: "You brute!" he spluttere4 sba;king his fist at the bellowing animal,' and I've been a vegetarian all my 'life."