2 minute read
Cement Production Increasing
Reports from the United States Bureau of Mines, received by T. R. Larson, salesmanager of the Monolith Portland Cement Company, show that the portland cement mills of the United States produced 171,908,000 barrels, or 687,632,' 000 sacks, of cement during 1927. This is more than the production of all the rest of the world combined.
Shipments lor 1927 totaled I70,922,0N barrels, or 683,688,000 sacks, showing, as Larson pointed out, that cement consumption was close on the heels of production despite the fact that the productive capacity of the more than 150 plants in this country had been materially increased during the year.
"One of the chief reasons for the cement leadership attained by the United. States is the rvide distribution of cement making materials," said Larson.. "Every populous section is now within reasonable hauling distance of a cement plant."
"Portland cement is now made in 31 states, the largest producers being Pennsylvania, Indiana, California, Michigan, Missouri, New York and Illinois. Wyoming has just been added to the list of cement producing states by the building of our Monolith Midwest plant near Laramie. This plant will be completed and in production this summer, and will supply the inter-mountain region and extend its shipments as far East as Omaha.
"The aggregate investment represented by the plants of the United States is more than $600,000,000, and top production at full capacity would total something over 200,000,000 barrels, it is estimated.
"Cement consumption is growing rapidly, however. No other building material is used in as great a variety of projects. The same demand for speed and efficiency which has placed the United States at the top as an industrial nation has likewise affected, to a great degree, the volume of construction in which cement is used."
Western Door Manufacturers' A,ssociation is the name of the recently formed association of Fir door manufacturers. The headquarters gf the new association are in 'lacoma, and William L. Rawn is manager.
The association is planning an extensive advertising campaign, and all doors made by member mills will be branded with the letters, "\M.D.M.4."
cr-pN oar-p trl rr-r. g unNs
The Glendale Lumber Company reports that on March 30th their planing mill and all its contents were completely destroyed by fire of undetermined origin. The loss was estimated at $6000 and the mill was located at San Fernando Road and California street, Glendale.
Inquiry For Piece Of Straight Grained Redwood
We are in receipt of the following communication from the Hawthorne Lumber Yard of Hawthorne, California. Any redwood mills who are interested in this inquiry can communicate direct with Mr. S. Y. Keith of Jefferson Barracks, Missouri.
Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Rt. 10, Box 134, March 19. Pn. Hawthorne Lumber Co., Hawthorne, Calif.
Gentlemen: I would like to get a piece of redwood lumber, size lx1ox16 inches as near straight grained as possible. If you will send it by parcel post, also bill for same, I will remit by return mail. Yours trulY'
s. Y. KEITH.
In "Robbins" Flooring you are assured of the very finest that hae ever been, or ever will be produced. Our geographical location, t h e modern machinery in our mill, and the type of men who make .eur flooring, all go to m6,ke this stitement possible. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.
Southcrn Californir:
535-6 Pctrolcun Sccuriticr Bldgo
WErtmorc 9055
Northcrn Califorair:
GEORGE C. CORMTruS, Ancricrn BenL Bld3.
Srn Francitco Jr4[&ommuxs]FuoolsuNrc