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Trlr 1v\/rrsrr.rn, ()scooo Co. 'lecolre, \\'esh ingrorr.
Please sencl nle \'our new book aborrt doors an,l a sernple of Larnrnex rvoocl .\isrtzt
AJJrest (tt1 \'tate
Larnine to rest.
Please send .lctarls of vour dceler hclp plan.
Who is blamed wlren ordinary doors,warp and stick? Usually the doois arc to blame, and not the men who install them, for moisture will make the ordinary door swell, werp or stick. Tell your trade , it costs rnore to rehang and refinish one warped door than any extra price they rnight have to pay for Laminex.doors throughout an entire house. That's why it pays to install trouble-proof doors in the first place.
Your trade will neverhave trouble with a T arqinex door, because no amount of moisture ' can damage it. They'll never have to refit one-it I must make good, or we will. Laminex doors are ' guaranteed trotrble-proof.
: The itiles and cross-rails of l-aminex doors are builr on cores of ilear, vertical grain blocks. Any tendency of one core block to shrink, swell oi warp is immediitely neutralized by opposing fores in adioining coie blocks. Lardinex waterproof i3ment] made by a iecret Tormula, holds all parts of a Laminex dooi togethei, even after days of soaking iri water.
Millwork Institute Convention
present on the benefits accruing to those belonging to the Millwork Institute of California. These advertisements will be run twice a week in the San Mateo paper.
The discussion on this matter brought upthe subject of "Plant Certification." Considerable discussion developed on this. Among those taking part being, A. W, Bernhauer, Fresno; Fred S. Spencer, San Francisco; Clem Fraser, Oakland; T. J. Bridgeford, Sebastapool, and Fred Callison. The following committee was appointed to prepare a draft for an application form for plant certification: A. W. Bernhauer, chairman, Clem Fraser, and Fred Callison.

fn view of thefactthatthe National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association have decided to use 8x4 ft. steel signs for roadside advertising, it was decided to send a letter to the secretary of the Association protesting against this decision to use steel instead of wood.
Ralph Button, chairman of the Resolutions Committee, then read the resolutions. These were all adopted, and were as follows:
Cooperation with Architects. The Conference was addressed by Captain E. L. Norberg, San Francisco architect, (Continued on Page 14)