2 minute read
Lumber Profits This Summer Vhere to took fo, Theln
Lumber sales can be divided into two kinds: Firsc sales to the builder who " just wants lumber," and who has no more reason to buy from you than from another. Second: sales to the builder who knows what he wants, and who will buy from the dealer who can supply him.
For the third consecutive year, California Redwood is being sold to architects and the general public. Scores of thousands of inquiries from evelT section of the country indicate the interest aroused. An investigation into L 1,000 random cases shows that 6LTo actually build within L8 months. Of these who build 66To use Redwood.
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Millwork Institute Convention
(Continued from Page 11) and Chairman of the Standardization Committee of the Northern California Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. Captain Norberg's suggestions were of a high- ly practical character, and resulted in a resolution calling for the appointment of a committee of members from the Bay District to work with his committee in the matter of preparing plans and specifications in such manner as will permit the millman to more intelligently estimate jobs. The work of this committee will be passed along to other districts. The same resolution instructs the central office to supply each architect in California with a list of members of the Institute.
Boulder Dam. The organization endorsed the Boulder Dam project and pledged-the individual support of members and of the Institute collectively in furthering the accomplishment of the project. It was further resolved that notice of of our action be forwarded to the Congressional Delegation of California, and to the Press of the State, and that individual members of the Institute communicate with

Parson Sim|hin
Hoo Hoo Chaplaht
Addressed the Conaentiot on busin,ess conditions in the East. He was the principal speaker at the Hoo Hoo banquet on Friday evening.
MADERA SUGAR PINE is cut from the finest stand of timber in the Sierra Nevada Mountaine.
MADERA SUGAR PINE is manufactured by procerues which have stood tAe test of time.
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MADERA SUGAR PINE ic uniforurly dry and well Cradd.
their Eastern friends, or business connections, and ask them to urge adoption of the Swing-Johnson Bill upon their Senators and Congressmen.
J. Arthur Farnsworth, Jr. The high esteem for his sterling worth and noble character, which endeared him to every member, was set forth in a resolution of sympathy to Arthur's bereaved familv. "With a cheerv smile and a wave of his hand" Arthur "has passed to that unknown land," but his memory will linger long and kindly with us.
National Millwork Association. The Conference reaffirmed our stand in favor of a National Millwork organization, and instructed the Managing Director to so inform Mr. Henry T. Lumb, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., who has worked long and earnestly for this objective. It was voted, however, that the Institute be not officially represented at the organization meeting, scheduled for Chicago on April 18, l9n, unless it is possible to attend it on the same trip as that for the Trade Conference, to be called by the Federal Trade Commission, which our committee is to attend. Federal Trade Commission Conference. Looking to a solution of the unsatisfactory conditions now prevailing in the millwork industry, the Institute endorsed a proposed Trade Conference, to be called by the Federal Trade Commission, at which all regional millwork associations are to be represented, and authorized the appointment of a committee, consisting of the Managing Director, one member
(Continued on Page 22)