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'7hr o tstanding develop-ent P$CO AficfrSHINGLES
\p{VEN greater beauty....
ll-{' even greater color vmia.'
even gr?:rtrar architectural charm is now made possible for homes everywhe rcby these two distincr tive PABCO Thatch SHINGLES. TheThatch0n Shingle is used to obtain the charming Old World thatch effect... with graceful curving lines. These curyes ciln be made as irregular and as ac, centuated as is desired,due to the design of the shingles and the patentedlock. thetah.On thtaglcr
Tbere ohioglea are a dietinccive contribnrtion to indi' viduality io roofe. They are a varietion of tbe thatch design and likewise af,ord unsurpaseed oppornrnitier for creating bett€r, more tnrly artistic and eerviceable roofs. Red, Maroon, Purple, Bufl Green, Green 3, Tone, Red 4,Tone. $ire ro r r8 in. Weight r4y lbe Zg Shingles per fundle, z Bundle! per Sguara
Oct$ tcdfffidrr
and tbey are panio. larly suited to rcoe typcc of arcbitecture. Red, Gren, Marm, Blact. 3in7ox!48/tit. w€igbt 2o0lb!, pcr fuurc. 54 6bi4lo per Bundle' 2 Bqdler Fr Sgwq
The Drop;Tharch Shingle is de, signed to do away with the checkerboard or geometrically exactshingle design. A tapestry effect is carried out, as the tabs are of different widths and colors
tdect EcrSoo ttdP.t[lnffrr
Tbcc are thc mpular rhincls tbat were erablirhed ar imtant favoritic iJben tbey-were 6rrt introdued. Tbcy erry atripleappeal, moely, refnementin color and de, rign,qulity,and low initialc6t and @t of appli€tion. Red, Maron, Purplc, Buf, Gren, Blacl, Jade, Gra 3.Tone, Red tTone. Sinl2/t r!4in, Weight 1501b.. perSqwe. 42 ShinglesperBundle' 2Budlerperfuurc.