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of the SHINGLE IndustrY
andasyetem of lapping, instead ofbutting the ends oftheshingles takes away the usualflatness of composition shingle roofs. These two thatch shingles are adaptable to practicallY every typeof home. Dozensofdiflerent tone effects can be obtained, so that in a row of houses roofed with these shingles, no two roofs need look anywhere near alike. Easyand quickto lay... possessing permanent colors. .fire'retardant ...and beautiful beyond anyother shingles that can be used. . .PAB' CO Thatch SnINGLE$ canbe featured by every roofing dealer to his advantage and profit. Use the coupon to obtain com' plete information regarding our dealer plan. Don't delay; this is the time of the year when you can sell plmty of shingles!
Manufacturers of imporing bomo and owner! iiiuJ Uo*.-p*f"r Pabco Giantr-. !ed, Maron, Pur "L. nun Greti. sl""t, Wbite, Jade, Green 3'Tme' Red i,tw, Ganite +'Tone. Sizg l0 r 15 in. Weight-24O
Dro'1p1'5"*h Stdp thh8|cl
Distinctive color harmonies, emall contraeting ahader here and there, variations inthe sizeg of erposed tabe' Dennanence and durability all are noteworthy iharacteri"tics of theee ehinglee. Maroon, Greer4 Black, Green t,Tone, Red t,Tbne. Size ro: r4x 36 in. Weight zSo,z4olbs.per equare. 56 Sbingles per - Bundle, a Bundlee perSquare.
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Hcrcieunuulattnctivenesof design, euof applie' tion and eomy' Thee are double tbicl lhingles tbat give a oropondingly gr6t€r degre.otPlotechon' and wbe cbam i! rc@ntut€d by ltrtkrngly o@p lBqow tins. Red, Buf, Gren, Blach, Wbitc' Jade' Gnnite + Torc. Siip I 3 7e in. x 34 in. Weight I 72 lbs.JEr $qure. {2 Shogls xr Budle' 2 Bundla per \ure.
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