2 minute read
Millwork Institute Convention
(Continued from Page 14) from the Northern section of the State, and one member from thte Southern section of the State, which committee shall have full power to act for the Institute.
Model School Kitchens. Recognizing the beneficial influence in the training of young womln attending high schools, and institutes of higher learning, through becoming familiar with designs of model kitchtns furnished witf, "Architectural Woodwoik," and labor-saving kitchen conveniences, the Conference endorsed the instaliltion of model
Fixture & Cabinet manufacturers, and instructed the Managing Director to enter into negotiations to this end, having in view, ultimately, either a Store Fixture & Cabinet division of the Instiute, or associate membership. Such further action as may be deemed advisable is to be reported to thc Board of Directors.
Certification of Plants and Products. This subject occupied the better part of the Saturday session, and resulted in a resolution, declaring the plan entirely practical, and for the best interests of the industry. It called for the appointment of a special committee to prepare a final draft of thc form of application required for certification and submission of the complete plan for adoption by the next conference. Mr. A. W. Bernhauer, Fresno, was appointed Chairman of the Committee.
Mrl L E. Fraser
S e cretary, Colif ornia Retail Lumbermen's A s s o ciation Addresed the Conztention kitchens in the domestic arts departments of such schools, and pledged the various local groups to cooperate with architects and school boards in the furtherance of this plan.
Proposed Store Fixture & Cabinet Division. The organization went on record as favoring affiliation in matters of common interest between theInstitute and the Store
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Appreciation. A vote of appreciation was expressed to Parson Peter Simpkins, Hoo-Hoo Chaplain, for his very able address; to the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, for its cooperation and endorsement of the Standard Sash & Door Schedules; to the California Lumber Merchant, for its splendid publicity; to L. J. Pierce, Manager, Pacific Manufacturing Company, Santa Clara; and Will Goddard, upon whom devolved the local arrangement for tlre Convention.
Appreciation was also expressed to George M. Cornwall, Publisher of the Timberman, for his untiring services to the organization. A special expression of deep gratification was tendered our esteemed President, Harry W. Gaetjen, lvho had recovered sufificiently from his recent operation to be able to preside in his usual happy and diplomatic manner.
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