3 minute read
In Growtng Denand
Plarterer chooce lf,onoltth Portland Gernent Gompany
Dlonoltth Plastlc TYaterproof Port' land Gerncnt lor ltr tastert eatler coverc age. Gontractorc know that lor the sarne cost they can do a better fob.
Ownerc pref€r Mon, oltth becauce lt ac. surea abcolute waterprootnecS. Motto' tlth lc uncquetted tor ctucco wallc, foundatloor, retaln. lng wallc, recer' Yolrir cwlrnntngpools]r condults, dams end clloc. Are you taktngadvantage of the growlng denand lor thlc truty ptartlcwaterproof ce. ment?
Los Angeles, Calif.
Ptrone - TRinity 7036
I tt. N. Wheeler /
H. N. Wheeler Addreses Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
f One of the largest gatherings of the year attended-the il resular Hoo HoJlutcleo.t of-the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo ' Ci;b on Thursday, April 5, at the Commercial Club, Los Angeles. H. N. Wheeier. Washington, D. C.,.chief lecturer for-the United States Forest Service, was the speaker of the day.Mr. Wheeler gave an interesting and very.. instructive talk which wai illustrated with some excellent slides. Mr. Wheeler spoke of the work and activities of the Forest Service and he discussed the forests from the four phases: economic, watershed protection, protection of wild game and the human use.
- H. S. Ryerson, Los Angeles, secretary of the Southern California -Conservation Association, was a guest of the club. Harry V. Hanson reported that the night meeting: "4 Night in a- Logging camp," was a financial success. Jack Th-omas made i rep-ort on the recent golf tournament at the Brentwood Countiy Club, and B. W. Byrne, vicegerent snark of the Los Angeles district, announced that there will be a Hoo-Hoo dinne.r dance on Saturday evening, April 28'
The next Club meeting will be held at the Commercial Club on'Thursday, April 26, when American Forest Week will be observed.
President J. E. Martin presided over the business session of the meeting.
Pacific Lumber Company Film To Be Shown At Hayward April 16
A m6ving pigture of the Pacific Lumber Co-mpany's sawrnill plant ind logging operations, showing the production of Redwood from-the itee to the car, will be shown at Hayu'ard, April 16, ttnder the auspices of Quist Bros.
Thisi1 a two-reel film requiring about 30 minutes to shorv, and is made available to the retail lumber trade for shclrving at service clubs or lumbermen's clubs, and b an educati6nal feature calculated to make the people "Redwood-minded."
Jim Farley, Pacific Lumber Co. rvill be the ope.rator, and Llovd Harris. Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., will be the rpeik... As a result of their association in work of this kind, these two are becoming known as "the Siamese trvins of Redr'vood."
sAN FRAN"tt"o"BR"#riltsHow TNCREASE
San Francisco building permits reached a total of $4,240,494 lor March, as against $4,685,162 for the corresponding month a year ago and $2,398,450 for February this year' Out of the 856 permits issued during the month every class of building with the exception of "public" and "State" was represented. Following are the segregated amounts given; Class A, 4, $550,000; clrass B, 2, $62,400; class C, 15, $265,050; frames , 347, $1,854,638; alterations, 487, $598,4O6 ; harbor, 1, $900.000; total, $4,244,494.
Hoo Hoo International Urges Clubs To Observe Forest Week
Hoo Hoo International has issued an appeal to its 70 clubs in the United States and Canada to begin preparations for the staging of Friends of the Forests in observance of Forest Week, April 22 to 28.
As already announced, the United States and Canada will observe the week jointly-as American Forest Week under proclamation of President Coolidge, and as Save the Forest Week in Canada, under designation by the Premier of the Dominion.
The Hoo Hoo clubs have done outstanding work in past observances of Forest Week, and will respond this year with constructive programs over the Continent, according toH. R. Isheru'ood, international secretary-treasurer.
The Hoo Hoo clubs have been asked to initiate programs for their communities and to invitecivic organizations, schools and churches to participate. Several Hoo Hoo clubs will be hosts to Canadians who will appear on this side of the border in an exchange of speakers between Canada and the United States, arranged by the American Forest Week Committee.
Oaklandbuilding Permits Show Gain
Oakland building permits for March totaled $1,925,578, compared with a total of $1,547,613 in March, 1927, an increase f.or 1928 of. $377,965.
The business card made of two-ply Redwood with a core of tough paper, being used by Holmes-Eureka Lumber Company's salesmen, is something new in this line. It illustrltes the fact that Redwood can be cut or sliced as thin as possibly any other wood. This card is so thin as to be transparent, and is so pliable that it can be wrapped around a lead pencil.