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Manufacturers of Douglas Fir and Port Orford Cedar Sawmills,Marshfield, Oregon

Distributing Plant - Bay Point

Annual Production 200,000,000 Feet


Bay Point, Cal.

San Francisco Sales Oftce

1208 Balfour Btds.

Los Anseler Ofrce, ttt"llfttJ:BTil.

Trade Extension Manager On Western Tour

Washington, D. C., March 28.-In the interests of grademarking and trade-marking John M. Gibbs, trade extension manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, Ieft here March 26th on a month's trip rvhich will bring him in contact with the principal lumber manufacturers in the South and on the West Coast.

The purpose of I!Ir. Gibbs' trip is to obtain definite information as to the reaction of the industry to grade-marking and trade-marking to present to the Trade Extension Committee at the meeting to be held prior to the annttal meeting of the National Lumber Manttfacturers Association May 1-2.

Mr. Gibbs and Wilson Compton, secretary and manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, will speak on grade-marking and trade-marking at the annual meeting of the Southern Pine Association in Nerv Orleans today. From Nerv Orleans Mr. Gibbs will go to Los Angeles, A. C. Horner, Western Division managert joining him inTexas. California subscribers to the Trade Extension Campaign rvill be visited by Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Horner, who will be joined by S. V. Fullaway, manag'er of the Portland District office in that city. Before returning to headquarters Mr. Gibbs, with the aid of Mr. Horner and Mr. F-ullaway, hopes to have called on all of the trade extension subscribers in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana.

Lumberman Joins In Rescue Work At Ripon

Manager Duval of the Ripon Lumber Company is reported to have done some fine rescue work during the recent serious flood situation, which just shorvs that lumbermen can turn their hands to any job that the occasion demands.

Four reasons why you rhould rtock Browntr Supercedar Cloret Lining.

| -Demand-greater every day because architects are specifying it.

2-Cost-about the same as lath and plaeter.

3-Easily Handledpaclced in fibre-board, dampproof boxes. No depreciation. No broken tongues and grooves.

4-Pro6t-lt speaks for itself.


I*t us send you f urlhar inf ormation antl quole you prices. J.

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