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packaged .. . . readY to use ' r' <l '

Noco -,fo, the first time-lumber you can successfully merchandise on a quality basis

.fLfRf, in fifty,one words, is the 4,fuuare Idea announced in this advertisement.

Improved lumberproperly seasonedmilted to preciee dirnensions-cut to exact lengths-perfecdy equarpdat both ends-packaged for protection of face and ends and for ease in handling-labeledwith species.and grade:guar' anteed-nationally advertised and backed by the most effective plan of co-operation ever ofiered the retail dealen

As a lumber dealer you will be quick to realize what thie means to the retail lumber trade.

Lumber ceases to be simply so manyfeet of such kind and gradeand becomee merchandise of known money's worth, known origin, known responsibility.

To the dealer, 4.Square lumber means an assurance of -legitimate profits-satisfi.ed customers-larger volume and quicker turnover. An opportunity, at last, to apply to lumber the tested methods of modern merchandising that have proven successful in nearly every other line of business.

Only the bettq grades of f.nest manufacture

Each pachage labeled and guaranteed









Now available under the 4-Square label in -ixed cars with standard items of or, dinary yard etock.

It tikes waste and guesswork orrt of the lunrber business. It intro' ducesorderandcertainty.Itenab1esthedealerwhoidentifieshfule.elf with it, to step out as a rnerch.ant-to operate his business as do good merchants in other lines-and to operate it at abettet profit-

It has taken a long time. Mill methods had to be changed, new machinery designed, made and installed, plans thoroughly worked out. Noou it is here. The irnprooed 4-square'quolity linefor quality ' buyers. And, in addition, the same items and same grades put up in tlrre ordinary way where price is the governing consideration.

The 4.Square program will be brought to progressive retailers throughout theentireterritory served by Weyerhaeuser mills as rapidly as they can be reached and the necessary re'manufactur' ing facilities installed to take carg of their 4,Square requirements. In the meantime, dealers who wish further information may secure ; it by addressing our nearest branch office or by inquiry of our dis' trict representative.

West Coast Lumber Bureau Gets Big Response From Advertising

Longvierv, Wn., April 3.-A total of more than 11,000 requests for a booklet showing the 12 prize-rvinning designs developed in the West Coast Woods Architectural Competition have been received by the West Coast l-umber Bureau as a result of a four-color, two-page advertisement placed by the Bureau in the March 17 issue of the Saturday Evening Post. The advertisement featured the Otho McCrackin design, rvhich rvon first prize in the competition. Requests for the literature offered in this ad-

More than one-half of the inquirers designated themselves as prospective home builders, many of them stating that they were planning to build immediately. Architects, lumbermen, realtors, carpenters and contractors, engineers, farmers, and home owners account for the remainder of the requests.

Bureau advertisements carried in various publications since the latter part oI 1927 have resulted in the sale of more than 25 sets of lvorking drawings for the Otho McCrackin design. The Bur.eau is making working plans oi all 12 of the prize-winning designs available at a price of $25 per set. Further Bnreau advertisements during the 1928 building season will show some of the other home designs rvhich won prizes in the architectural competition.


M. W. Perry, Algoma Panel Co., Algoma, Wisconsin, was a recent, Southern California visitor where he spent a few weeks /ojourning in Los Angeles. Mr. Perry was a visitor at the/office of the California Panel & Veneer Co., who are the fclusive representatives of the Algoma Panel Co in Sou/hern California. Mr. Perry was accompanied by Mrs. P"fv.


Pqrt of the Bureau's stenographic force oltening anil classifling one day's mail, u'hich brought in more than 1700requests, vertisement are still coming in, at the rate of about 200 per day.

Over 3000 requests for the same literature came to the Bureau last month as the result of advertisements inserted in a number of other publications.

Announcement of the promotion of H. I-. Miner, former general manager of the Whiting-Mead Company of San Diego, as general manager of the entire Whiting-l\{ead Comoanv ooerations. was recentlv made bv Perrv Whitins. n8'

Company operations, recently by Perry president of the Whitins-Mead Companv. of'Los president Whiting-Mead of'Los Angeles. A native of Nebraska. Mr. Miner has been connected with A the lumber business and building material business for 35 years. He has been with the Whiting-Mead Companv for the past 13 years, joining the organization in 1913.

We suggest youuse the Advertising Columns of The G ulf^$

9,11J""1$berman Hourton, Texat

Its prestige, popularity and circulation in the territory named far surpasses amv other

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