1 minute read
hdHRE ftehfriluyilitl,
ft's a matter of shame to every thinking American that we should suffer an annual fire loss of over tt00,000,000, but FIRE gets away with it evety year and will continue to get away with it so long as we permit carelessness to have such free play in our property. Probably t400,000,000 could be saved every yeer, if we would just give enough thought and care to 6re prevention.
The Associated Lumber Mutuals preach and practise prevention as the first consideration of insurance protection. We give to our policy-holders the cooperation of experts to eliminate 6re hazards, to keep fire out, to prevent loss. ff prevention fails, our resources and reputation guarantee fair adjustments and prompt Payment of losses. Through our dividends, this highest quality of protection is furnished to our policy-holders at a substantial saving in insurance cost.
Asft any of our co4anies for iletaileil information as to the proteclive mil fmancial ailvanlages of Lumber Mutual Insurance.