3 minute read
How Lumber Looks
D.triog the week ending April 14 the lumber manufacturing induetry continusd aheed of the corteeponding pcriod of l9AI, according to the National Lrmrber Menrfacturerr Ar' sociation.
The lurnber movement for tbe fiftt 15 rueekr in 1928, thc Agociation'r report for all roftwoodr showr: Production' 31549,603,802 leet; Shipments, 31773,901,534 feet; Otdere, 4ro39r972r818 feet. Ar compared with the eame period in 1927, orderr for trhir year show an increare oe 7/Ur894,892 feet.
For tte mitl,r of the Wed Coart Lumbermen'r Agocietion the total figur€s for tte first 15 weekr of the year are: Pro' duction, lr7ffir94l,285 feet; Shipmentq 1,662r0[J7r12l feet; Orderq 11830,4721591 feet. Orders for the cotterponding period in 1927 amormted to 1,182,o471201 terrt-
The report rhowr the following figurer for Califomia White and Sugar Pine for thir period: Production, 206'847'OOO feet; Shipmentr, 3511624100o feet; Orderc, 351,436,fiX) feet. Orden show an increare of 144,589,(X)O feet over production for this period.
Here are the fusrec on Sou$errr Pine for the firet l5 weeka of the year: Production, 1102617891199 feet; Ship' ments, 1rO6OrO44;341 feet ; Orders, l rl 13184913-68 feet. -
The total hardwood movement for thir P€riod' according to tte rarnd repolt, ie ar follows: Production, Wr274; 999 t*t; Shipnleqts' 621'317'00O feet; Orderc, 646,394'' ofi)feet'
The California fir mart€t har ehorm big improvemcnt
Splendid progress in the negotiations for the formation of Jmerger of about 75% ol the sawmill operating interests of GrayJHarbor was announced at San Francisco on _April 27 by C. M. Weatherrvax, presiderrt of the Aberdeen Lumber & Shingle Co., and of C. M. Weatherwax & Co., and leader of the consolidation movement.
Operators who have.signified their intentions of merging are lutting approximately three and half million feet per day on the present scale of production. These op€rators ari most enthusiastic about this merger, Mr. Weatherwax states, and have given him the greatest assistance in his efforts to efiect the consolidation. The completion of the merger, he believes, would lead to the formation of other resional mergers which action txrould have a tremendous efiict on the stabilization of the tiiitire industry.
during the paet two weeks. Fir pricee are gefting stroPg-9f o4 all itein'r; No. 3 common is 5Oi rtronger' No. 1 and,No. 2 ""r"*rr'st1" to $1.OO, and clearr from $t.OO tq $2.QO.- lhc -itf, fJ r:hat pricer "i. g"-s to get better and are hollins ofi oo quotatiom. It fu reported thet reveral of the mills oq e;w" iFb";*ttt rr"t ii*tt for a few davs at the end:of April.
There are 29 boate tied up. Freight ratet between the X"rthr"*i"ttd CJiforttia ar" very fitrn at $4.5O. -Unrold it""t" at San Pedro heve been coruiderably reduced.
The 6r rail market alro rhowr improvement. Ttere ii q bis demand for 1x6 and 1x8 No. 2 comrnon and thcce iteml "ri tt""a to get. Everybody is requecting that rhipmentl be rushed. Several Valley retailers report thet they hav-e ["a th. bert March and April in four year& The outlook in the rail territory io much bright€r.
For the week ending April 21, the California Re{wood Asrociation baromae{ 14 mitb repo'rting, showc: Orderr received, 8,751 M fe&; Shipmentr, 6'795 M feet;-Pro' l""ti"i'z.6o8 M feet" 'The Cdifornia demrnd has rhorm il;;;;;;i. rt" C""tt"t Arsican market has improved "r"i th" ofi-chore demand ir alro reported'better.
Botb trhe California and the eartern markets have rhorvu ir"pr""".r.ti in California White and Swar Pine- T' mttf* on No. 2 and, No. 3 shop har been active' The der Ga i* foi ht-b.t ir good with pricer -very-{1m'- The rnrrket on the upper gradel continuer steadS whitre tbe de' mand for conrnon rem&ins about the rarne.
Charles S. Keith, Kansas City, president of the Central Coal & Coke Co., was a recent California visitor where he E)ent several days sojourning at Del Monte. Following his visit to California tre tett fo-r Portland, Oregon, where he conferred. with officials of the company's Portland office' ihe Central Coal & Coke Co. operates mills at Vernonia, Ot"gon, and Conroe, Texas. In-speaking of conditions in the east, Mr. Keith stated to a representatrve ot r ne LaIrfoinia Lumber Merchant that he was looking forword to-a good lumber market in the eastern territory' The Santa.F e Lumber Co. are their exclusive rail rePresentatives rn the California and Arizona territory.
Swayne Lumber
It was announced recentlY of the Swayne Lumber Co., start up May l.
Coispany Starts
by Charles Schleef, manager Oroville, that their mill will

Pordand, Oregon Car and Cargo Shipmentr
Ships-S. S. Robert Johnsor, S. S. C. D. Johnson III. Specicr-Old Growth Yellow Fir and Sitka Spruce sarer offices: i33 |ffiHffH;jf;,?:ff*