1 minute read
Janc Chrietcnron
Annic Chrirtcnron
Edwin Chrlrtcncon
Elauor tlll
Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club
(Continued ftom Page 43)
I. Walkenshaw, Heinecke Lumber Co., Ontario; and R. T. qg[Din-Jqnber Co., San Bernardino. Jim GG Hafr-mond LumbEt Co., San Bernardino, vfas reinstated. Vicegerent Snark Essley and the following members of the Nine had charge of the ritual work: Senior Hoo Hoo, Homer Wilson, Cresemer Mfg. Co., Riverside; Junior Hoo Hoo, Roy Sandefer, Dill Lumber Co., Arlington; Bojum, Harrison Spaulding, Spaulding Lumber Co., Hemet, Scrivenot6r; Duff S. Hansen, Hansen Lumber Co., Fontana; Jabberwock, Mel Coe, Gaynor-Masters Lumber Co., Los
Angeles; Custocatia4, Chas. C. Adams, Chas. C. Adamc Lumber Co., San Bernardino; Arcanoper, S. M. Hoyt, Hoyt-Roof Lumber Co., Ontario; Gurdon, Fred Chapin, Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino. J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant", Los Angeles, read the code of ethics, and Mel Coe had charge of the secret work of the order.
While the Hoo Hoo meeting was in session, the ladies played bridge. The winners of the bridge contest were ag follows: First Prize, Mrs. Stanley Larabee, California Portland Cement Co.; Second Prize,'Mrs. Chas. C. Adams, Chas. C. Adarns Lumber Co.; Third prize, Mrs. Clements. Dancing was enjoyed during the balance of the evening.