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il?f3""iff: shingres, tay oor,ril'ii; ?li,,"r1l!'ff1,':o:o;,l,t"J;ff f:i:; f;;f#{.'il.Zi,',f,!';i;.:i::1;f; t;fr-_:', ordinary fietd of new build- 'rt'.-'itii.eiir,'generar manaser ot tne"gi,ffiiwi t'iiliiitiiil,'riniir-iiii
Now,.five years after the id;;i"ti;;, i"Jirr. "o"- ii'_i;i- ii ti'"iiii';iTif1ip- '"ii,-x'ii. t'. w;tui, in charge of shinste plan's . inception, Pioneer cern to launch ";i;; sales. has taken a new and for*hereby it hoped to even* ard step i" Tql:\"l,qftlg tually J."or. il"tg. share of the tremendous bulk of re- by ptacing the- services of its scores of franchised shingle toonirg jobs constaiiry r""il"ur.. Many obstacles stood in cornpanieJ at the sales service of its dealers-- T-he primary ih;,;;y'""d the inte#.;i"gt;. since'have been engaged effec-t is-a closely-knit organization for.the distribution and application of Pioneer products, the shingle com-panies and t"6lTTitT"*||ot$'orr."t probrems that had to be faced the dealers u-"ing -uiri".r-Gt-a;p-*g;ri, and.yet everv was the creation of "ti lni"'rloct itrg, practically automatic unit in the far-iiung. chain being .absolutely independent. ."i.. otg""ization motivated by soile'more tangible_objec- Secondarily, the satisfaction of the buyer is practically tive thin salaries and commissions. To this end sales guaranteed. nucleus in the forttt-oi t a"fy authorized Pioneer Shingle - What this has meant to both halves of the sales organiCompany was created gr"ariUy in hundreds of towns-in zation a1d 1o the parent c:mpany. is well expressed in th" {t;.i. The personiel of these companies was trained scores of lettbrs received by Pioneer in.res-ponse to a recent "itfr" ilon"..:t.r^*. ft""fi" t-os-Angeler in everl phase of questionnaire sent.out to the units..All of the replieq were ;;"fi"tffii.rlilr, so that when it ieturned to its:espec- cbuched in enthusiastic terms, and.forecast what Pioneer ;i".;;-t";;;ity;;a applied pioneer roofs under the Pioneer officials have declared to be an inevitable development, the i;";;h[" and'specindJtions, the satisfaction of the home- growth of the greatestdemand-fgr the specialized-products o*rr., would b6 assured. of one concern in the history of Western merchandising.
Washington, April 2O-Importaht matters relating to grade-marking and trade-marking and suggested additions io and revisions of American Lumber Standards will be discussed at a general lumber co-nference to be held May 3 at the U. S. Department of Commerce. Representative manufacturers, distributors, retailers and large consumers of lumber will attend the meeting which will be under the auspices of the Division of Simplified Practice, Department of Commerce.
Leading lumber manufacturers have been committed to the praciice of grade-marking and trade-marking their 'product as a result of the recent action of the directors 6i ttre National Lumber Manufacturers, placing a financial guarantee behind every stick of lumber so designated. Grade and trade.marked lumber has been strongly empha' 'Sized as nec€ssary to security in the selection and specifrcation and economy in its use.
"Trade and grade-marking are considered the logical and practical steps for the industry to take in improving its merchandising and in securing the application of standard sizes and grades of properly seasoned lumber", declared R. M. Hudion, of the Department of Commerce, in issuing the call for the conference. "All branches of the industry, as well as lumber consumers, will benefit from a program of lumber manufaeture and distribution, incorporating these constructive features.
Oakland Lumber Companies Merge
i A merger which is considered a most progressive mover and most beneficial to the lumber industry of Alameda' County, has just been completed through the consolidation of the'ietail'lumber vards-of Swift &-Co. and H. L. Call Lumber Co., with thl Kiernan-Hubbard Lumber Co.
This gives the merged yard all the facilities of the waterfront loiation, including the wharf and spur tracks formerly occupied by Kiernan-Elubbard Co., located at 23rd Ave. and ihe Esiuary, Oakland.
Such mergers are in keeping with the modern trend of: business thr-oughout the country, which aims at the elim-. ination of as much overhead as possible.
Institute Branch at Los Angeles Re-Elects Peil Now Has 100/s Active Membership
Re-afflrming their faith in the officers who brought the organization through one of the most trying periods in local millwork history, the members of the Los Angeles District Manufacturers Branch of the Millwork Instituie of California, on March 27, by unanimous vote re-elected all old officers. Their names and firm connections follow:
President: FRANK J. PEIL, Patten & Davies Lumber Company.
Vice President: H. C. TREFF, Southern California Hardwood & Manufacturing Co.
Treasurer: A. J. TODHUNTER, Hammond Lumber Co.
Secretary: E. A. NICHOLSON, Pacific Door & Sash Co.
Manager: C. B. BEMIS, M. I. C. Branch Office, 1008 W. 6th St.
The Active membership of the Los Angeles Branch is composed of manufacturers only. With the recent admission of the Caldwallader-Gibson Company, the Red River Lumber Company, and the Los Angeles Planing Mill Company, the Active mernbership now totals 17 firms and em- braces every eligible manufacturer in the district. To date the Association membership numbers 127 f.kms. It embraces sash and door dealers and retail lumber dealers handling sash and door or other millwork items.
Both Active and Associate members operate upon a list of Standard Trade Practices, one of wlich requires a 100/o use of Sash & Door Schedule No. 128.
President Peil states that the broad constructive policy of the Branch, which calls for an actual tie-in wiih ail lumber groups in the southern territory, ,h-as proved conclusively that the millwork and retail lumbef trades can succeed only through joint co-operative efiort. The irnmediate program of the organization, Mr. Peil announces, embraces an intensive study of Collective Purchasing and Certification of Prod_ucts; He is squarely behind the pro. gram of the State Institute for Certifiid Products, ind promises the full support of the Los Angeles Branch to put the plan into effect at the next Tri-annual Conference, which is scheduled for Los Angeles on July 19 and 20.
Officers of The Los Angeles Institute Branch

Charles W. Buckner, Manager of the Door, Panel and Indust4al I umber Ddpartment of Morrill & Sturgeon Lumber, Portland., Oregon, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where hi speht a few days conferring with W. W. Wilkinson, their Southern California representative. Mr. Buckner was on his way back from Houston, Texas, where he attended the annual convention of the lumber dealers associatioh. Before returning to Portland, he also spent a few days in the San Francisco territorv.