2 minute read
For Smooth, Faster Cutting
If you have not triedthe Planer Saw
-1ha1 ns\^t smoothcutting saw f o r woodnrslk6ls - you are missing an opPor!unity. This saw cuts almost as smoothly as a planer knlfe, rips and cross-cuts equally well on hard or soft wood and stands fast hand feed.
Specify the Planer Saw when you want better service.
416 E. Third St., Loe Angclcr
2j20-?j28 Firct Sto San Franeisco, Calif.
More than a thousand men and women engaged in figur- ing and selling sash and doors have now satln the instiuction classes being carried on by Mr. Didesch and his com- mittee. As a further help, the Institute has supplied each member with a set of 39 examples demonstrating the prac- tical application of the book.
Miss E,da Dernier, of the Lumbermen's Service Association, Creators of Modern Merchandising Service for Lumbermen, and Mrs. A. M. Thackaberrv. "The California Lumber Merchant", Los Angeles, were visitors to Merced for the joint meeting of the three Valley Clubs.
The ladies made the trip by machine, and visited Yosenrite National Park on the Sunday follorving the meeting.
An Old Health Prayer
In the quaint old town of Cheliter, England, built by the Romans long ago, there is this inscription on the walls of the Chester Cathedral: Give me a good digestion, Lord, And also something to digest, Give me a healthy bodY, Lord, And sense to |eep it at its best.
Give me a healthy mind, good Lord, To keep the good and pure in sight' Which seeing sin is not appalled, But finds a way to set it right.
Give me a mind that is not bored, That does not whimper, whine, or sigh, Don't let me worry overmuch, About the fussy thing cdled I.
Give me a sense of humor, Lord, Give me the grace to see a joke, To get some happiness from life, And pass it on to other folk.
The Salutation Of The Dawn
Listen to the exhortation of the dawn ! Look to this day
For it is life, the very life of lifeIn its brief course lie all the verities And realities of your existence: The glory of actio4, The bliss of growth, The splendor of beauty: For yesterday is but a dream, And tomorrow is only a vision; But today, well lived, makes Every yesterday a dream of happiness, And every tomorrow a vision of hoPe. Look well therefore, to this day ! Such is the salutation of the dawn !
-From the Sanskrit.
He Knew His Knot Holes
The Long-Bell Log that the some fun with a new Ir hand in gang decided to have the lumber office, so to accept anY orders thqy left him alone with that came in while they gone. Then theY went to up. a nearby phone and called ttYes, sir, what be havin'?"
"Hello Is ttris the Lumber Company?"
"Take an order, will
"Sure. That's what I' for. What is it you want?"
"Send me up a ce knot-holes at once."
"What's that?"
"Or\e thousand nice knot-holes."
"\tr/ell, now, aint that a bloomin' shame? We're iust out of them."
"How's that?"
"Just.sold. them to a brewery."
"What will thoy do with them?"
"By golly, they're goin' to use them to make bungholes for barrels."
Friend, you are grieved that I should go, Ifnhoused, unsheltered, and free, My cloak for tent, the roadside tree. And I-I know not you bear
A roof betr{xt you the blue, Brother, strife me, that shelters You. Yet, that that floods at dawn Your room, your cryPtic stair, Wakes me too---sleeping by the hedgeTo morning prayer. '
-Karle Wilson Baker. IT \,[IAS STILL USEFUL
The story is going the rounds gl/f}ae Scotchman who took a bottle of whiskey to a chemiy'for analysis. The chemist
"Don't touch a ofi he said, "it woul{ drive you blind. Pour it out."
'1l'll give it to a friend of mine who is blind already."