6 minute read
I ,Yosemite Portland Cement Corporation Entertains Three Valley Clubs at Merced
The joint meeting of the three Valley clubs held at Merced, April 14, was an unqualified success from every point of view. The attendance of members and their ladies was a record one, visitors registering from as far north as Chico, and as far south as Los Angeles.
Presidents F. Dean Prescott, Jo Shepard, and George Ground, of the San Joaquin Valley, Sacramento Valley and Central California clubs, respectively, were in attendance.
The Yosemite Portland Cement Corporation were hosts to the large gathering, and they provided all the entertainment, keeping everybody busy from the time the buffet luncheon was served at one o'clock, until the dance ended at midnight what all agreed was a perfect d3y.
Many dealers availed themselves of the opportunity provided for seeing how high-grade cement is produced, and were impressed by the exhaustive tests made of the product at various stages in its manufacture.
The Barbecue in the evening was, of course, a popular feature, and this was a pleasant departure from the usual more formal banquet put on at such affairs.
Ralph P. Duncan, Merced Lumber Co., was active in making arrangements for the meeting, and in the entertainment of visitors.
Business Session
The joint business meeting of the three clubs was held in the El Capitan Hotel at 1O:30 a.m.
F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, presided. He said they were gathered together for informal discussion of the problems of their business, and he felt sure that such meetings resulted in much benefit to all of them. He then introduced Otis A. Strass, assistant to the president of the Yosemite Portland Cement Corporation, who welcomed the clubs to l\{erced, and announced the various entertainment features which had been arranged by his company.
W. K. Kendrick, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, presented the report of the Trade Promotion Committee of the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club.
R: W. Smith, of the Western Division of the National
Lumber Manufacturers Association, gave a brief talk on the subject of "The New Competilion," in which he stressed the necessity of group action by those engaged in the lumber industry, to combat the organized efforts of the other industrial groups.
Mr. Prescott, in calling for open forum discussion on the proposed advertising campaign of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association referred to the hit or miss advertising methods of many lumber dealers and manufacturers, and urged every dealer to make a definite appropriation for advertising on a percentage basis. He advised a study of the campaign which is for the purpose of creating new business. The discussion of this campaign which followed showed that no definite action had been taken as yet in any district, but indications ureie that the plan will be favorably received.
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association explained details of the national association's plan, and announced that the State association had already sent a letter of protest to Adolph Pfund, secretary of the national association, against the proposed use of 150,000 metal road signs in the campaign.
Henry Faull, Hammond Lumber Co., said his company had received a copy of a letter written by the Finkbine Lumber Co. protesting against the use of these metal signs, and suggested that each of the three Valley clubs send a letter of protest to Adolph Pfund.
At the invitation of the chairman the following gave brief accounts of conditions in their various districts: I. E. Brink, Diamond Match Co., Chico; George Meisner, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi; George Burnett, Tulare; Jimmy Chase, Madera; J.H. Shepard, Sacramento; Ben Maisler, Fresno; J. U. Gartin, Modesto; and Ralph Duncan, Merced.
A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, spoke on Fir lumber conditions, concluding with a few humorous remarks in his best style.
Maurice W. Casey, Redwood Manufacturers Co., Pitts-
(Continued on Page 12)
The Quarries
Yosemite Portland, Cement Co. Limestone used in manufacture of Yosemite Portland Cement colnes from Jenkins Hill at Emory Station on the Yosemite Valley Railroad sirtyJfue miles from Merced.
This site is but tzttelae mi.les from the entrance to Yosemite National Park.
The picture shozas the early operations of the quang, the lirnestone coming from the hill at the top of the incli,ne.
The rock crushing equipment may be seen in the lozuer right-hand corner utkile the buildings on the left are the dormitory and mess hall.
FIR (ffiln Dried and 0$erwise)
CEDAR SHINGTES (Quality Stuff)

Merced Meeting
(Continued from Page 10.) burg, spoke on conditions in the Redwood business.
Fred V. Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., said that all in the lumber business are in the same boat, and if they will only pull together they have a wonderful oppor- tunity to make conditions better.
R. F. Hamma-tt, California Redwood Association, drew attention to the association's exhibit showing the new transparent colors which had been developed for wood interiors. He issued an invitation'to the three clubs to take an automobile trip to the Redwood country at the end of Muy.
The meeting \vas then adjourned, and everybody attended the buffet luncheon served at one o'clock in the warehouse of the Yosemite Portland Cement Corporation's plant.
This rvas follorved by an inspection of the splendid new truck load of lumber to be 3355 feet. The actual amount was 3347 feet. Maurice Casey guessed 3360 feet.
Nearly 300 club members, their families and friends, sat down to the Barbecue dinner at 5 :30. This was served in the warehouse of the plant, which was gaily decorated for the occasion, and spotlessly clean. The food was wonderful, and music was provided by an orchestra consisting of a saxophone and an accordion.
F. Dean Prescott was toastmaster. Hugh K. Landram, attorney, gave an address of welcome on behalf of Merced.
The toastmaster expressed the sentiments of everyone present when he said that everybody had appreciated the unsurpassed hospitality of the Yosemite Portland Cement Corporation, in entertaining the clubs. He congratulated the corporation on the success they have already demonstrated, and paid a tribute to Mr. Wishon, the president,
Plaint Inspection plant of the company, situated about two miles from Merced, and said to be one of the most up-to-date in the country. This plant was finally completed and started shipping leis than a year ago, and is already enjoying a good share of btrsiness, shipping as far north as the Oregon line. The total cost of the plant and quarry operations was about $2,000,000, and capacity is close to 3000 barrels a d,ay. Raw materials used are of exceptional quality.
The most corhplete arrang'ements for the com.fort. and convenience of visitors inspecting the plant were made, officials of the corporation bqing stationed at various points on the way to explain the different processes of manufacture. In addi$on, typewritten explanations of these processes were posted at each "station."
Inspection of the mill was followed by a nail driving contest which was won by Roger O'Hara, Redwood Manufacturers Co.; A. E. Johnson, Laton Lumber Co.; and V. D. Schoeneman, Citizens' Lumber Co., Selma; all of whom tied for first place with three strokes, each winning a box of cigars. Mrs. C. H. Atwood won the ladies' prize, a box of candy.
Earl E. Borve, National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Los Angeles, won first prize, a fountain pen, in the guessing contest, in which he guessed the content of a and the fine type of men associated with him in the management of the company.
A dance in the fine ballroom of the Women's Club concluded the day's entertainment. Everyone present partic! pated in a drawing for prizes, presented by the hosts, as were those given for the sports in the afternoon. The ladies' prizes were won by Miss Josephine Baker, Merced; Mrs. A. E. Johnson, Laton; and Mis. Wenrich, Merced. The men's prizes were won by A. A. Kelly, Santa Fe Lumber Co.; Milt Cross, Cross Lumber Co., Merced; and Dean Cook, Madera Sugar Pine Co., Madera.
Officers of the Yosemite Portland Cement Corporation who were responsible for the perfect arrangements, and were particularly active in seeing that everybody had a delightful time, were: D. A. Schlemmer, sales manager; Otis

A. Strass, assistant to the president; G. A. Fishir, plant manager; and W. R. Couse, auditor. L.L. Ellis, sale"man, and William Jastram, superintendent of the quarry, were responsible for the food, and arranged the barbecue. The registration was as follows:
Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Bair{ Sugar Pine Lumber Co., FreSno
C. H. Terrell, HiU & Morton-, Inc., Oakland.
A. E. Johnson and wife, Laton Lumbor Co., Laton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Holmes, Woodland Lumber Co,. Woodland.
F. V. Holmcs, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco.
Wm. Cravens, Chowchilla Lumber Co., Chowchilla.
W. V. Terrill, Foster Brothers, Inc., San Francisco.
(Continued on Page 16)